Monitoring and Logging

The javascript-gameshow project utilizes various mechanisms for monitoring and logging. This includes:

  • Console logging: The codebase leverages console.log,, console.warn, and console.error for basic debugging and information outputs.

    Example:`There are ${QUESTIONS.length} questions.`)
              console.warn(`No questions remaining for difficulty ${difficulty}.`);
  • Error handling: The code includes try...catch blocks for handling potential errors.


    try {
                // Code that may throw an error
              } catch (error) {
  • Custom logging functions: The QuestionController utilizes custom functions (logQuestions) for specific logging needs.


    logQuestions() {
                console.groupCollapsed("Question Integrity Check");
                // ... logging statements ...
  • Storage: The QuestionController utilizes local storage (localStorage) for persistent storage of QuestionClaim records.


    private getClaimRecords(): QuestionClaim[] {
                let usageRecords = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(STORAGE_KEY) || "[]");
                return usageRecords;
              private saveClaimRecords(usageRecords: QuestionClaim[]): void {
                localStorage.setItem(STORAGE_KEY, JSON.stringify(usageRecords));
  • Firebase: The project is deployed using Firebase. The audience-app and presenter-app are configured to use Firebase for hosting and potentially other services like authentication or data storage.


    $ npm run deploy
  • Deployment: The project uses npm scripts for deployment.


    $ npm run deploy

For detailed information regarding Firebase deployment, consult the file for the project.

  • Firebase Rules: The project uses Firebase rules to govern database access. The database.rules.json file defines these rules.


    If you change your rules inside of the firebase console do not forget to copy them to the `database.rules.json` file otherwise when you deploy they will get blown away. The file is the law of the land.
  • Testing: The project utilizes Jest and Enzyme for testing. The file outlines the testing commands and configuration.


    $ npm run test

Top-Level Directory Explanations

audience-app/ - This directory contains the files for the audience-facing part of the application. It includes HTML files for different pages, static assets like images, and configuration files for Firebase and npm.

audience-app/public/ - This subdirectory holds the publicly accessible files of the audience app. It includes HTML files for specific pages, images, and other static assets.

presenter-app/ - This directory contains the files for the presenter-facing part of the application. It includes source code, static assets, and configuration files.

presenter-app/build/ - This subdirectory holds the compiled and bundled files for the presenter app. It includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and image files.

presenter-app/src/ - This subdirectory contains the source code for the presenter app. It includes components, controllers, routes, styles, and utility functions.

presenter-app/tests/ - This subdirectory contains test files for the presenter app. It includes mocks, controllers, and declarations.