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The javascript-gameshow project is a Preact application built using the developit Preact CLI. The project includes various CLI commands such as npm install for installing dependencies, npm run dev for running a development server with hot module replacement, npm run serve for running a production-like server, npm run build for creating a production-ready build, npm run lint for passing TypeScript files through ESLint, and npm run test for running Jest and Enzyme tests with the enzyme-adapter-preact-pure adapter. For more detailed information on how these commands work, please refer to the CLI Readme. Additionally, it is important to remember that if you make any changes to the rules inside of the Firebase console, you must also update the database.rules.json file and re-deploy to ensure the rules are properly applied.

Project Information

Contribution Opportunities

  • Issues are available for contributions.
  • Project boards are active.
  • Wiki is available for documentation and guides.


MIT License

Recent Contributors

martine-dowden's avatar


12 Contributions

toddhgardner's avatar


2 Contributions