Learn using Shoulder.dev Shoulder.dev transforms codebases into tailored learning experiences. Below are organized categories of the codebase to help you start with your initial focus. Introduction Significance and basic information about the JavaScript Gameshow project, including its purpose and features. Installation Step-by-step guide on how to install the project dependencies using npm install. Command Reference Detailed guide on the available CLI commands, including npm run dev, npm run serve, npm run build, npm run lint, and npm run test. Development Environments Management of various development stages, including development, production, and testing environments. Testing Strategies Overview of the testing frameworks and methodologies used in the project, including Jest and Enzyme. CI/CD Continuous integration and deployment processes, including how to run tests and build the project for production. Database Schema Detailed explanation of the database rules and how to manage them, including the importance of updating the database.rules.json file. Routing Overview of the available routing options, including the routes defined in the routes directory. UI Design Principles of usability and accessibility in the project’s user interface, including the use of icons, images, and other assets. Security Overview of the security protocols used in the project, including authentication and authorization mechanisms. Data Validation Pre-processing techniques used to validate data in the project, including any input validation or sanitization. Troubleshooting & Debugging Strategies and methods for troubleshooting and debugging issues in the project, including the use of logging and tracing mechanisms. Deployment Deployment procedures, including how to deploy the project to a production environment. Monitoring and Logging Setup and maintenance of monitoring and logging mechanisms, including how to configure and use logging tools. More Content Coming Soon! More Content Coming Soon! More Content Coming Soon!