Development Environments

This project utilizes npm scripts to manage various development stages, including development, production, and testing environments.


  • npm run dev: This script runs a development server with Hot Module Replacement (HMR). HMR enables changes in the code to be reflected in the browser without a full page reload, significantly speeding up the development process.
    • Example:
      $ npm run dev
    • Note: Refer to the CLI Readme for a more detailed explanation.


  • npm run serve: This script runs a production-like server, simulating the environment of a deployed application.

    • Example:
      $ npm run serve
    • Note: Refer to the CLI Readme for a more detailed explanation.
  • npm run build: This script creates a production-ready build, optimized for performance and deployment.

    • Example:
      $ npm run build
    • Note: Refer to the CLI Readme for a more detailed explanation.


  • npm run test: This script runs Jest and Enzyme with enzyme-adapter-preact-pure for your tests.
    • Example:
      $ npm run test
    • Note: Refer to the CLI Readme for a more detailed explanation.


  • npm run lint: This script passes TypeScript files through ESLint for code style and quality checks.
    • Example:
      $ npm run lint
    • Note: Refer to the CLI Readme for a more detailed explanation.


  • npm install: Installs all project dependencies, including development tools and libraries.
    • Example:
      $ npm install
    • Note: Refer to the CLI Readme for a more detailed explanation.

Note: This project uses Preact and Preact CLI for development and testing purposes. The tsconfig.json file configures TypeScript compilation options, including the use of Preact/compat for React compatibility.


  • npm run deploy: Deploys the application to a hosting environment, such as Firebase.
    • Example:
      $ npm run deploy
    • Note: Make sure you have firebase-tools installed. To install them run:
      $ npm install -g firebase-tools

Audience-Specific Development Environment

  • npm start: Starts the audience app.
    • Example:
      $ npm start
    • Note: The audience app runs on http://localhost:5000/. This project does not have any dependencies so npm install is not required.

Top-Level Directory Explanations

audience-app/ - This directory contains the files for the audience-facing part of the application. It includes HTML files for different pages, static assets like images, and configuration files for Firebase and npm.

audience-app/public/ - This subdirectory holds the publicly accessible files of the audience app. It includes HTML files for specific pages, images, and other static assets.

presenter-app/ - This directory contains the files for the presenter-facing part of the application. It includes source code, static assets, and configuration files.

presenter-app/build/ - This subdirectory holds the compiled and bundled files for the presenter app. It includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and image files.

presenter-app/src/ - This subdirectory contains the source code for the presenter app. It includes components, controllers, routes, styles, and utility functions.

presenter-app/tests/ - This subdirectory contains test files for the presenter app. It includes mocks, controllers, and declarations.