Command Reference

This document outlines the available CLI commands for the project.

npm install

Installs dependencies for the project. Source:

npm run dev

Runs a development server with hot module replacement (HMR). Source:

npm run serve

Runs a production-like server. Source:

npm run build

Builds a production-ready version of the project. Source:

npm run lint

Runs ESLint on TypeScript files. Source:

npm run test

Runs Jest and Enzyme with enzyme-adapter-preact-pure for testing. Source:

npm run deploy

Deploys the project. Source: audience-app/

npm start

Runs the application on http://localhost:5000/. No dependencies need to be installed. Source: audience-app/

          ## Top-Level Directory Explanations
          <a class='local-link directory-link' data-ref="audience-app/" href="#audience-app/">audience-app/</a> - This directory contains the files for the audience-facing part of the application. It includes HTML files for different pages, static assets like images, and configuration files for Firebase and npm.
          <a class='local-link directory-link' data-ref="audience-app/public/" href="#audience-app/public/">audience-app/public/</a> - This subdirectory holds the publicly accessible files of the audience app. It includes HTML files for specific pages, images, and other static assets.
          <a class='local-link directory-link' data-ref="presenter-app/" href="#presenter-app/">presenter-app/</a> - This directory contains the files for the presenter-facing part of the application. It includes source code, static assets, and configuration files.
          <a class='local-link directory-link' data-ref="presenter-app/build/" href="#presenter-app/build/">presenter-app/build/</a> - This subdirectory holds the compiled and bundled files for the presenter app. It includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and image files.
          <a class='local-link directory-link' data-ref="presenter-app/src/" href="#presenter-app/src/">presenter-app/src/</a> - This subdirectory contains the source code for the presenter app. It includes components, controllers, routes, styles, and utility functions.
          <a class='local-link directory-link' data-ref="presenter-app/tests/" href="#presenter-app/tests/">presenter-app/tests/</a> - This subdirectory contains test files for the presenter app. It includes mocks, controllers, and declarations.