Introduction to Timoni

Overview of Timoni as a package manager for Kubernetes. Motivation for using Timoni instead of other tools like Helm or Kustomize.

Installation of Timoni

Prerequisites for installing Timoni. Installing Timoni on various platforms. Installing dependencies and setting up the environment.

Module Concept

Understanding the concept of a module in Timoni. Creating and defining a module. Packaging and distributing modules as OCI artifacts.

Instance Concept

Understanding the concept of an instance in Timoni. Creating and managing instances.

Bundle Concept

Understanding the concept of a bundle in Timoni. Creating and managing bundles. Declarative way of managing app delivery across clusters.

Command Reference

Overview of various Timoni commands. Usage and examples of each command.

Troubleshooting and Debugging

Common issues and errors while using Timoni. Debugging techniques and tools.


Deploying applications using Timoni. Managing the lifecycle of applications. Upgrades, rollbacks, and uninstallations.

Examples and Use Cases

Real-world examples and use cases of Timoni. Deploying and managing applications like Redis using Timoni.


Overview of Timoni’s features like app packaging and distribution, app lifecycle management, and importing CRD schemas.

CLI Usage

Detailed explanation of using the Timoni CLI. Examples of various CLI commands and their usage.


Understanding the testing framework used in Timoni. Writing and running tests for Timoni modules and bundles.

Database Schema

Understanding the database schema used by Timoni. Creating and managing the database schema.


Best practices for securing Timoni and its deployments. Understanding the SLSA 3 security framework and its integration with Timoni.


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