Content modules - open-telemetry/

OpenTelemetry is an open-source project that provides a set of APIs, libraries, agents, and collectors to capture distributed traces and metrics from your applications. Content modules play a crucial role in organizing and presenting the documentation and resources for this project. This document will explain the purpose and usage of content modules in the context of the OpenTelemetry project, along with examples for each option.

Possible Content Modules

Based on the provided documentation and resources, the following content modules can be considered for the OpenTelemetry project:

  1. Getting Started: This module provides a starting point for users, based on their roles, such as DevOps, developers, or community members. It includes step-by-step guides, tutorials, and resources for beginners. (Source)
  2. Documentation: This module contains comprehensive documentation for various aspects of OpenTelemetry, including APIs, SDKs, instrumentation, and contributing guidelines. (Source)
  3. Blog: This module consists of articles, announcements, and updates related to OpenTelemetry. It can include best practices, troubleshooting guides, and case studies. (Example)
  4. Community: This module focuses on community-related resources, such as mailing lists, Slack channels, meeting recordings, and end-user groups. It encourages users to connect, learn, and contribute to the project. (Source)
  5. Ecosystem: This module highlights the thriving ecosystem of OpenTelemetry, including the demo, registry, adopters, integrations, and vendors. It provides a one-stop resource for users to explore and understand the various components and tools available. (Source)
  6. Vendors: This module lists vendors that natively support OpenTelemetry, offering preconfigured features and technical support for users. (Source)


Here are examples for each content module:

  1. Getting Started: Getting Started with OpenTelemetry
  2. Documentation: OpenTelemetry Documentation
  3. Blog: Troubleshooting Node.js Applications with OpenTelemetry
  4. Community: OpenTelemetry Community
  5. Ecosystem: OpenTelemetry Ecosystem
  6. Vendors: OpenTelemetry Vendors

By organizing content into these modules, users can easily find the information they need and engage with the OpenTelemetry project.