Contributing to OpenTelemetry Website

The OpenTelemetry website is an important resource for the community, providing information on the project, its components, and how to get involved. Contributing to the website is a great way to make a positive impact on the project. Here’s a breakdown of how you can contribute:

Understanding the Project

The OpenTelemetry website is built using the Hugo static site generator and is hosted on Netlify. It is a multi-lingual website, with content available in English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, French, Spanish, Russian, and German. The website’s source code is hosted on GitHub, allowing for collaborative development.

Getting Started

  1. Fork the Repository: Begin by forking the OpenTelemetry website repository on GitHub:
  2. Clone your Fork: Clone your forked repository locally to your machine using Git:
git clone [email protected]:<your-username>/
  1. Set up your Development Environment: Ensure you have the following installed:
  • Node.js and npm
  • Hugo (refer to Hugo documentation for installation instructions)
  1. Install Dependencies: Navigate to the project’s root directory and install the necessary dependencies using npm:
npm install
  1. Run the Development Server: Start the development server using the _serve:netlify script:
npm run _serve:netlify

This will open the website in your browser, allowing you to view your changes in real-time.


  1. Identify Areas for Contribution: Browse the website and explore potential areas for improvement. This might include updating documentation, fixing typos, adding new content, or enhancing the user experience.
  2. Open an Issue: Before starting work on a specific feature, open an issue on the GitHub repository to discuss your proposed changes and get feedback from the community.
  3. Create a Branch: Once your proposed change is approved, create a new branch for your work:
git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name
  1. Make your Changes: Implement your changes, ensuring they adhere to the existing code style and maintain the website’s overall consistency.
  2. Test your Changes: Run the website’s test suite using npm run check:links to ensure your changes haven’t introduced any errors.
  3. Commit and Push: Once you’re satisfied with your changes, commit them to your branch:
git add .
git commit -m "Add your commit message here"
git push origin feature/your-feature-name
  1. Create a Pull Request: Create a pull request from your branch to the main repository. Be sure to include a clear and concise description of your changes.
  2. Review and Merge: The project maintainers will review your pull request and provide feedback. Once your changes are approved, they will be merged into the main branch, making your contributions live on the website.

Additional Tips

  • Code Style: Refer to the existing code for guidance on formatting and style.
  • Testing: Run the test suite regularly to ensure your changes don’t introduce regressions.
  • Communication: Engage with the community by participating in discussions, asking questions, and providing feedback on others’ contributions.
  • Documentation: If you’re adding new features or making significant changes, be sure to update the documentation accordingly.

By following these steps, you can actively contribute to the OpenTelemetry website and help improve the experience for the entire community. Remember, any contribution, big or small, is valuable.