Building the Project - open-telemetry/opentelemetry-demo

Building the OpenTelemetry Demo project can be done using Makefile or other build tools. This document will cover the possible options and provide examples for each option, using the official documentation and resources provided.

  1. Using Makefile:

The OpenTelemetry Demo project provides a Makefile to build and run the project. The Makefile includes several targets for different tasks, such as building, testing, and cleaning the project.

Example: To build the project, run the following command in the terminal:

make build

This command will build the project using the provided Dockerfiles and place the built images in the build directory.


  1. Using Bazel:

The OpenTelemetry C++ getting started guide provides an option to use Bazel for building OpenTelemetry C++.

Example: To build the OpenTelemetry C++ project using Bazel, run the following command in the terminal:

bazel build //:examples/cpp/http_server

This command will build the http_server example using Bazel.


  1. Using CMake:

The OpenTelemetry C++ getting started guide also provides an option to use CMake for building OpenTelemetry C++.

Example: To build the OpenTelemetry C++ project using CMake, run the following command in the terminal:

cmake -Bbuild -H. && cmake --build build

This command will build the project using CMake and place the built binary in the build directory.


  1. Using Gradle:

The OpenTelemetry Java getting started guide provides an option to use Gradle for building OpenTelemetry Java.

Example: To build the OpenTelemetry Java project using Gradle, run the following command in the terminal:

gradle build

This command will build the project using Gradle and place the built binary in the build directory.


Note: The above examples are provided for reference only. The actual commands and options may vary depending on the specific project and build tool used. It is recommended to refer to the official documentation and resources provided for the most accurate and up-to-date information.
