This section provides a step-by-step guide for running tests in the open-telemetry/opentelemetry-demo project, which encompasses multiple languages and their respective testing frameworks.


Ensure you have the following installed on your system:

  • Go
  • Node.js
  • Python
  • Java
  • Docker
  • Relevant language-specific tools for testing (Maven for Java, pytest for Python, etc.)

Running Tests


  1. Navigate to the Checkout Service Directory
    Change to the project directory that contains the Go code:

    cd src/checkoutservice
  2. Run the Tests
    Use the go test command to execute the tests in the package:

    go test -v

    This will provide verbose output of the test results.


  1. Navigate to the Java Directory
    Change to the Java project directory:

    cd src/java
  2. Run the Tests Using Maven
    Execute the following command to run all tests:

    mvn test

    This command will compile the code and execute the tests defined in your Java project.


  1. Navigate to the Python Directory
    Move to the directory containing the Python code:

    cd src/python
  2. Run the Tests Using pytest
    Execute the command below to run the tests:

    pytest -v

    The -v option stands for verbose, providing detailed output for the tests being run.


  1. Navigate to the JavaScript Directory
    Change to the JavaScript project directory:

    cd src/javascript
  2. Run the Tests Using npm or yarn
    Depending on your package manager, run:

    For npm:

    npm test

    For yarn:

    yarn test


  1. Navigate to the C# Directory
    Change to the C# project directory:

    cd src/csharp
  2. Run the Tests Using dotnet
    Execute the following command:

    dotnet test

Other Languages

Follow similar steps for the remaining languages in the project (e.g., PHP, Rust, Ruby). Locate the directory associated with each language and utilize their specific testing tools:

  • PHP: Navigate to the PHP directory and run phpunit.

  • Rust: Navigate to the Rust directory and run cargo test.

  • Ruby: Navigate to the Ruby directory and run rspec.

Each of these commands will execute the implemented tests and provide feedback on their success or failure.

Using Makefile for Running Tests

A unified approach to running tests across all languages is available through the Makefile provided in the project.

  1. Invoke the Makefile
    In the root directory of the project, execute:

    make test

    This command will trigger the default target defined in the Makefile that orchestrates the calls to each languageā€™s testing mechanism.


This guide outlines the steps necessary to run tests for the open-telemetry/opentelemetry-demo project across multiple languages. By following these instructions, developers can verify the integrity and functionality of the various components of the project.

Source: Makefile