Contributing - helixml/docs

Contributing to Helix Docs Project

To contribute to the Helix Docs project, follow these steps:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the project’s design philosophy and technologies:
  • The Big Picture: Link
  • Design Philosophy: Link
  • Programming languages: HTML, JavaScript, Shell, CSS, Go, Node.js
  • Key Technologies and Dependencies: Hugo, Git, Tailwind CSS, PostCSS, Hugo Modules, Imfing/Hextral, Autoprefixer, Netlify
  1. Review the contributing guidelines:
  1. Set up your local development environment:
  • Install Hugo
  • Fork the Helix Docs repository on GitHub
  • Clone your forked repository to your local machine
  • Create a new branch for your changes: git checkout -b my-feature-branch
  1. Make changes and commit:
  • Make changes to the documentation using Markdown syntax
  • Commit your changes with a descriptive commit message
  • Push your changes to your forked repository on GitHub
  1. Create a pull request:
  • Go to your forked repository on GitHub
  • Click on “New pull request”
  • Select the original Helix Docs repository as the base repository
  • Select your feature branch as the compare branch
  • Provide a clear and concise title and description for your pull request
  1. Collaborate with the community:
  • The Helix Docs community will review your changes
  • Address any feedback or suggestions provided
  • Once your changes are approved, they will be merged into the main Helix Docs repository

For more information on collaboration and contributing to open source projects, refer to these resources:

By following these guidelines and engaging with the Helix Docs community, you can help improve the project’s documentation and make a valuable contribution to the open source ecosystem.