Internationalization (i18n)

The codebase supports internationalization, allowing the website to be translated into multiple languages. Understanding this aspect is crucial for supporting multilingual users.

Key Aspects

  • i18n setup and configuration
  • Language file structure and management
  • Translation process and workflows

i18n Setup and Configuration

The i18n functionality is implemented using Next.js’s built-in internationalization features. This framework provides a convenient way to manage translations and handle language switching seamlessly.

The i18n configuration is defined in the app/layout.js file. This file sets up the supported languages, default language, and the directory structure for translation files.

// app/layout.js
          import { locale, locales } from '@/lib/i18n';
          export const metadata = {
            title: {
              default: 'Heli XML',
              en: 'Heli XML',
              fr: 'Héli XML',
              // ... other languages
            description: {
              default: 'A website about Heli XML.',
              en: 'A website about Heli XML.',
              fr: 'Un site Web sur Heli XML.',
              // ... other languages
          export default function RootLayout({ children }) {
            return (
              <html lang={locale}>

Language File Structure and Management

Translations are stored in JSON files within the app/locales directory. Each language has its own directory, and the files within these directories map to components or sections of the website.




            "hello": "Hello",
            "world": "World"


            "title": "Welcome to the Home Page",
            "description": "This is the home page of the website."

Translation Process and Workflows

  1. Identify translatable content: Developers must identify the text that needs to be translated, such as page titles, button labels, and content within components.
  2. Create translation files: Create corresponding JSON files for each language, adding keys and values for the translatable content.
  3. Use translation functions: Utilize the useTranslation hook provided by Next.js to access translations within components.


// components/HomePage.js
          import { useTranslation } from 'next-i18next';
          export default function HomePage() {
            const { t } = useTranslation('common');
            return (
                <h1>{t('hello')} {t('world')}</h1>


The codebase leverages Next.js’s internationalization features to provide a robust and scalable solution for supporting multiple languages. Developers should understand the i18n setup, the structure of language files, and the process for translating content.