Helix API Reference Outline

This outline provides information about the Helix platform’s API endpoints and functionality. Understanding this information is crucial for developers using Helix.

Key Aspects

  • API endpoint documentation
  • Request and response formats
  • API usage examples and code snippets

API Endpoint Documentation

The API Reference section provides detailed documentation for each Helix API endpoint. This documentation includes the following information:

  • Endpoint URL
  • HTTP method supported
  • Required and optional parameters
  • Response format and structure
  • Example requests and responses


GET /api/v1/users/{userId}/repos


This endpoint retrieves a list of repositories for the specified user.


  • userId (required): The ID of the user.

Response Format:

              "id": 12345,
              "name": "my-repo",
              "description": "My repository description",
              "owner": {
                "id": 54321,
                "username": "john.doe"

Request and Response Formats

The Helix API uses JSON as the primary format for both requests and responses. The documentation for each endpoint specifies the expected request format and the structure of the response.



            "name": "My New Repository",
            "description": "This is my new repository."


            "id": 12345,
            "name": "My New Repository",
            "description": "This is my new repository.",
            "owner": {
              "id": 54321,
              "username": "john.doe"

API Usage Examples and Code Snippets

The API Reference section includes code examples and snippets demonstrating how to use the Helix API. These examples cover various scenarios, including:

  • Authentication and authorization
  • Creating, reading, updating, and deleting resources
  • Using specific API features



import requests
          url = "https://api.helix.com/v1/users/12345/repos"
          headers = {
            "Authorization": "Bearer your_access_token"
          response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
          if response.status_code == 200:
            repos = response.json()
            print("Error:", response.status_code)

JavaScript (Node.js):

const axios = require('axios');
          const url = 'https://api.helix.com/v1/users/12345/repos';
          const headers = {
            'Authorization': 'Bearer your_access_token'
          axios.get(url, { headers })
            .then(response => {
              const repos = response.data;
            .catch(error => {
              console.error('Error:', error.response.status);

Authentication and Authorization

To access the Helix API, you need to authenticate your requests. Authentication is handled through an access token that you can obtain using OAuth 2.0. The API Reference section includes a guide on how to obtain an access token.

Note: The use of a Bearer token is required for all requests.


Authorization: Bearer your_access_token

Error Handling

The Helix API returns HTTP status codes to indicate the success or failure of a request. The API Reference section provides information on common error codes and their corresponding meanings.


  • 400 Bad Request: The request was invalid.
  • 401 Unauthorized: The request was not authorized.
  • 403 Forbidden: The request is forbidden.
  • 404 Not Found: The requested resource was not found.
  • 500 Internal Server Error: An error occurred on the server.

API Versioning

The Helix API is versioned to ensure compatibility and stability. The current version of the API is v1. The API Reference section includes documentation for each version.



Rate Limiting

To ensure the stability and performance of the Helix API, rate limits are enforced. The API Reference section includes information on the current rate limits and how to manage them.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or feedback about the Helix API, please refer to the documentation or contact support.

Note: This outline is a starting point for the Helix API Reference. You can expand it further by adding more specific details about individual endpoints, error handling, and other important information.