Project Overview

Describe the purpose, goals, and target audience of the Helix Docs project.


Explain the underlying technology stack used to build Helix Docs, including Hugo, Hextra theme, and Tailwind CSS.

Content Structure

Outline the organization of documentation within the project, including sections, pages, and navigation.

Theme Customization

Discuss how to customize the Hextra theme, including color schemes, layout options, and branding.

Tailwind CSS Integration

Explain how to use Tailwind CSS for styling and the specific requirements of the project, including the hx- prefix for theme color classes.

Hugo Functionality

Explore Hugo’s features relevant to Helix Docs, such as shortcodes, partials, and Markdown support.

Development Workflow

Describe the process for creating, editing, and publishing content using Hugo, Git, and Netlify.

Deployment and Hosting

Explain the deployment process using Netlify and the configuration required for the live website.

Search and Navigation

Discuss how the search functionality works and provide guidance on improving navigation for users.


Outline the process for contributing to the Helix Docs project, including guidelines for submitting changes and working with the community.

Best Practices

Share tips and best practices for creating high-quality documentation.


Learn the codebase to contribute to docs