To run tests for the helixml/demo-recipes project, follow these detailed steps. This guide assumes that you have all the necessary development dependencies installed, including Node.js, npm, and any required TypeScript configurations.


Ensure you have installed Node.js and npm. You can check your installation by running:

node -v
npm -v

Make sure you have TypeScript installed globally if not defined in the project:

npm install -g typescript

Step 1: Clone the Repository

If you haven’t cloned the repository yet, do so using:

git clone
cd demo-recipes

Step 2: Install Dependencies

Before running the tests, install all required dependencies listed in the package.json file:

npm install

This command will fetch all necessary libraries and set up your environment for running tests.

Step 3: Configuring TypeScript for Tests

Ensure your TypeScript configuration is set up correctly for testing. Check or create the tsconfig.json in the root of your project. It should include test files if your project structure includes them.

Sample tsconfig.json snippet:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "es6",
    "module": "commonjs",
    "outDir": "./dist",
    "rootDir": "./src",
    "strict": true
  "include": [

Step 4: Run Tests

To execute the tests, use the npm script defined in the package.json. The common practice is to have a script under the scripts section for running tests. The following command executes your tests:

npm test

Ensure that your package.json includes a script similar to this:

"scripts": {
  "test": "jest"

This uses Jest as the testing framework. If your setup uses another framework, please replace jest with the appropriate command.

Step 5: Viewing Results

Once you run the tests, Jest will provide output directly in your terminal. Review the results, which will highlight passed tests and any failures. Example output may include information on failed test cases, such as:

FAIL  test/example.test.ts
  ✕ should return true when conditions are met (5ms)

  ● should return true when conditions are met

    expect(received).toBe(expected) // equality

    Expected: true
    Received: false

In case of failures, examine the relevant code and make necessary adjustments.

Step 6: Running Tests in Watch Mode

For active development, you can run tests in watch mode, allowing you to see changes in real time as you modify your code. Use the following command:

npm test -- --watch

This enables Jest’s watch mode, re-running tests upon file changes.

Step 7: Linting and Additional Checks

It is advisable to add linting checks to maintain code quality. If using TSLint or ESLint, make sure you have a linting command defined in your package.json:

"scripts": {
  "lint": "eslint . --ext .ts"

Run the linter with:

npm run lint


By following these steps, you will successfully run tests in the helixml/demo-recipes project. Ensure to regularly check for the latest updates in your testing framework and refactor tests as necessary to align with evolving project requirements.

Source: Original project structure and common practices for testing in Node.js and TypeScript environments.