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The Helix GPTScript Recipe Demo project, located at helixml/demo-recipes, is a showcase for utilizing GPTScript and the frontend in Helix ML. To execute the script, run gptscript waitrose.gpt --user_id <your_user_id> --number '2' --recipe_theme 'Heart Healthy' in your terminal. For the frontend, first install the dependencies with yarn install and then start the server using yarn start. Open the frontend in your browser, but remember to append ?access_token=XXX to the URL to access it, where XXX is your access token obtained from the connected app on Helix ML. For a comprehensive guide on using this repository, please refer to the tutorial available at

Project Information

Contribution Opportunities

  • Issues are available for contributions.
  • Project boards are active.
  • Wiki is available for documentation and guides.


No license information available.

Recent Contributors

binocarlos's avatar


12 Contributions

lukemarsden's avatar


12 Contributions

philwinder's avatar


1 Contributions