
What is Standalone Bot UI?

The Standalone Bot UI is a user interface component of the Genai Stack project (, which is an open-source Docker application for building and deploying AI models. The UI serves as a frontend for interacting with the Standalone Bot API, enabling users to input text and receive generated responses from the underlying AI model.

Why is Standalone Bot UI important?

The Standalone Bot UI is essential for developers and users who want to interact with the AI models deployed using the Genai Stack. It provides a modern, user-friendly interface for text input and output, making it easier to test and evaluate the performance of the models. Additionally, the UI is built using best practices and popular technologies such as Vite, Svelte, and Tailwind, ensuring a fast, efficient, and visually appealing experience.


Standalone Bot API

The Standalone Bot UI utilizes the Standalone Bot API to interact with the underlying AI model. The API accepts text input and returns generated responses. For more information about the API, refer to the official documentation.

Modern Best Practices

The Standalone Bot UI is built using modern best practices and popular technologies:

  • Vite: A build tool and development server for modern web projects. It provides fast cold server start times, hot module replacement, and ES modules.
  • Svelte: A progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. It compiles components into tiny, framework-agnostic vanilla JavaScript.
  • Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom user interfaces. It provides low-level utility classes for styling and layout.

Getting Started

To get started with the Standalone Bot UI, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Genai Stack repository: git clone
  2. Navigate to the bot-ui directory: cd genai-stack/bot-ui
  3. Install dependencies: npm install
  4. Start the development server: npm run dev
  5. Open the UI in your browser: http://localhost:5000

For more detailed instructions, refer to the official documentation.


The Standalone Bot UI is an essential component of the Genai Stack project, providing a modern, user-friendly interface for interacting with the underlying AI models. It is built using best practices and popular technologies, ensuring a fast, efficient, and visually appealing experience.

