Introduction to GenAI Stack

Significance and basic information about the GenAI Stack, its purpose, and how it can be used to build GenAI applications.

Installation and Setup

Step-by-step guide on how to install and set up the GenAI Stack, including creating a .env file, installing Ollama, and running Docker Compose.

LLM Configuration

Detailed explanation of how to configure the Large Language Model (LLM) using environment variables, including setting up Ollama, Neo4j, and other dependencies.

Development Environment

Management of various development stages, including how to start the stack, rebuild, and enter watch mode, as well as troubleshooting tips.

Applications Overview

Overview of the five applications included in the GenAI Stack, including the Support Bot, Stack Overflow Loader, PDF Reader, Standalone Bot API, and Standalone Bot UI.

Support Bot Application

Detailed explanation of the Support Bot application, including its features, such as answering support questions, providing summarized answers, and generating high-quality support tickets.

Loader Application

Detailed explanation of the Loader application, including its features, such as importing Stack Overflow data, embedding questions and answers, and storing them in a vector index.

PDF Reader Application

Detailed explanation of the PDF Reader application, including its features, such as loading local PDFs, embedding text chunks, and asking questions about the contents.

Standalone Bot API

Detailed explanation of the Standalone Bot API, including its endpoints, such as non-streaming and SSE streaming, and how to use it to answer questions.

Standalone Bot UI

Detailed explanation of the Standalone Bot UI, including its features, such as using the Standalone Bot API to interact with the model, and its modern best practices using Vite, Svelte, and Tailwind.

Database Schema

Detailed explanation of the database schema, including how data is stored and retrieved, and how to explore the database using the Neo4j client.

Testing Strategies

Overview of testing strategies and methodologies used in the GenAI Stack, including how to write unit tests and integration tests.


Explanation of the Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) processes used in the GenAI Stack, including how to automate testing, building, and deployment.

Security and Authentication

Overview of security protocols and authentication mechanisms used in the GenAI Stack, including how to secure the LLM, Neo4j, and other dependencies.