Building, Installing, and Setting Up the GenAI Stack Project

This document provides a step-by-step guide to building, installing, and setting up the GenAI Stack project, including the creation of a development environment.


Setting Up the Development Environment

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
              cd genai-stack
  2. Build and Run the Project:

    docker-compose up -d

    This command builds all the necessary Docker images and starts the containers in detached mode.

Project Structure and Components

The genai-stack project consists of several Docker containers, each responsible for a specific aspect of the application.

  • Backend (Python Flask): Provides the API endpoints for interacting with the models and other services.
  • Frontend (Svelte): Offers a user interface for accessing and interacting with the backend.
  • Database (PostgreSQL): Stores data and configuration for the application.
  • Other Components: Includes any additional services or dependencies, such as a message queue or a logging service.

Accessing the Application

After building and running the containers, access the application in your web browser at http://localhost:3000.

Development Workflow

  • Code Changes: Make changes to the Python, Svelte, Shell, JavaScript, Dockerfile, HTML, and CSS code in the respective containers.
  • Rebuild and Restart: Re-build the affected container image using docker-compose build <container_name>, then restart the container using docker-compose restart <container_name>.

Debugging and Troubleshooting

  • Logs: Use docker-compose logs <container_name> to view logs from specific containers.
  • Shell Access: Use docker-compose exec <container_name> bash to access a shell within the running container for further debugging.
  • Docker Hub: Refer to the documentation and troubleshooting guides for Docker and Docker Compose for additional support.


By following these steps, you can successfully build, install, and set up the GenAI Stack project, creating a development environment that allows for convenient coding and debugging. The project structure and components are designed to facilitate collaboration and ensure a smooth development process. Remember to refer to the project’s specific documentation and resources for more detailed instructions and advanced configurations.