This documentation provides an in-depth step-by-step guide on how CI/CD is automated within the docker/genai-stack project. The project’s infrastructure relies on Docker to facilitate a smooth CI/CD process, emphasizing ease of deployment and development automation.


As of now, CI/CD automation for the docker/genai-stack project has not been fully set up. However, the existing configurations in the docker-compose.yml file lay a solid foundation for implementing CI/CD processes. Below are suggested next steps to establish a comprehensive CI/CD pipeline.

Next Steps for Setting Up CI/CD

  1. Define CI/CD Pipeline: Utilize a CI/CD tool like GitHub Actions, GitLab CI, or Jenkins. Define your pipeline stages including build, test, and deploy.

  2. Write Automation Scripts: Create automation scripts that can build Docker images and run tests automatically. These scripts should be invoked during the CI/CD process.

  3. Integrate Testing Frameworks: Incorporate testing frameworks suited for Python, JavaScript, and Svelte applications to ensure code quality before deployment.

  4. Set Environment Variables: Use a .env file or set environment variables in your CI/CD system to manage configuration dynamically.

  5. Version Control for Docker Images: Implement tagging mechanisms for Docker images to maintain version control and rollback capabilities.

Example of Docker Compose Configuration

The docker-compose.yml file manages multiple services and their configurations. Below is a distilled segment focused on service definitions that would be relevant to your CI/CD automation:

      context: .
      dockerfile: api.Dockerfile
      - NEO4J_URI=${NEO4J_URI-neo4j://database:7687}
      - OLLAMA_BASE_URL=${OLLAMA_BASE_URL-http://host.docker.internal:11434}
      - net
      test: ["CMD-SHELL", "wget --no-verbose --tries=1 http://localhost:8504/ || exit 1"]
      interval: 5s
      timeout: 3s
      retries: 5

Key Points:

  • Each service under services can have its own Dockerfile specified in dockerfile. This permits individual services to be built independently.

  • Environment variables are essential for configuring each service. They can be managed through a .env file, ensuring sensitive information is kept secure.

  • Health checks can be specified to verify that the services are up and running before other services attempt to connect.

Implementation of Scripts

To facilitate the CI/CD process, consider implementing the following scripts:

1. Build Script (

A simple shell script for building Docker images could look like this:


echo "Building Docker images..."

docker-compose build

echo "Build process completed."

2. Test Script (

For running automated tests, a shell script may be written as follows:


echo "Running tests..."

# Example: Assuming you have a test suite in the 'tests' directory
docker-compose run --rm api pytest tests/

echo "Test run completed."

3. Deploy Script (

This deployment script could be used to bring your services up:


echo "Deploying services..."

docker-compose up -d

echo "Services are now running."


The project docker/genai-stack currently lacks defined CI/CD processes. However, the groundwork is established through the docker-compose.yml file’s service configurations. By following the outlined next steps and utilizing the provided script examples, developers can construct an effective CI/CD automation strategy.

The information in this documentation is derived from the project’s current configuration and standard practices within Docker environments.