
Navigate the Codebase using the tree view. Use the filters to highlight where various files are grouped to aid understanding.

Getting Started Commands

Project Structure

Below is a short description of the key directories of the project to aid you when understanding where key files are located.

.dockerignore - A file that specifies which files and directories to ignore when building a Docker image.
.gitattributes - A file that specifies attributes for files in the Git repository.
.github/ - This directory contains GitHub-specific configuration files and templates for issues and pull requests.
.gitignore - A file that specifies which files and directories to ignore in the Git repository.
.golangci.yml - A file that configures the golangci linter tool. - A document that explains how to build Docker Compose.
cmd/ - This directory contains the command-line interface (CLI) for Docker Compose.
codecov.yml - A file that configures code coverage reporting for the Docker Compose project. - A document that explains how to contribute to the Docker Compose project.
docker-bake.hcl - A file that specifies the configuration for building Docker Compose using the Terraform Docker provider.
Dockerfile - A file that specifies how to build a Docker image for Docker Compose.
go.mod - A file that specifies the Go modules used by the Docker Compose project.
go.sum - A file that contains the checksums for the Go modules used by the Docker Compose project.
internal/ - This directory contains internal packages used by Docker Compose.
LICENSE - A file that specifies the license for the Docker Compose project.
logo.png - A file that contains the logo for the Docker Compose project.
MAINTAINERS - A file that lists the maintainers of the Docker Compose project.
Makefile - A file that contains instructions for building and testing Docker Compose.
NOTICE - A file that contains legal notices for the Docker Compose project.
pkg/ - This directory contains the Go packages for Docker Compose.
pkg/api/ - This directory contains the API package for Docker Compose.
pkg/compose/ - This directory contains the main Compose package for Docker Compose.
pkg/e2e/ - This directory contains the end-to-end (e2e) test files for Docker Compose.
pkg/mocks/ - This directory contains mock files used for testing.
pkg/progress/ - This directory contains progress display utilities.
pkg/prompt/ - This directory contains prompt utilities.
pkg/remote/ - This directory contains remote file handling utilities.
pkg/utils/ - This directory contains utility functions.
pkg/watch/ - This directory contains file watching utilities. - A document that provides an overview of the Docker Compose project.


Below are files we identified as entrypoints for to the codebase. This is where the application starts and a good place to start when learning.

cmd/main.go - Path: cmd/main.go
docs/yaml/main/generate.go - Path: docs/yaml/main/generate.go