
Project Structure

Dockerfile - A Dockerfile is a text document that contains all the commands a user could call on the command line to assemble an image. It allows for the automation of building, running, and testing of software in a containerized environment [1]. - A README file is a document that provides information about a project. It usually includes a description of what the project does, how to install and use it, and any other important details [2]. In this case, it is written in Markdown format.
app.go - This is the main Go file for the application. It contains the entry point and the main logic of the program [3].
go.mod - go.mod is a file that Go uses to manage dependencies for a Go module. It specifies the modules that the application depends on and their versions [4].
go.sum - go.sum is a file that Go uses to verify the integrity of downloaded packages. It contains the expected SHA256 checksums for all the packages that the application depends on [5].


app.go - This is the main entrypoint of the application. It contains the `main` function, which initializes the application and starts the server when run. It also defines the `HelloWorld` function, which is a simple handler function for returning a greeting message.

Coming Soon: Learn Directly From VS Code

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Introducing the VS Code Extension, your gateway to mastering new skills without ever leaving Visual Studio Code. Imagine having the power to learn directly from your IDE, where every line of code you write not only builds your project but also your proficiency.

Clone Repository

After downloading, proceed to clone the repository to your local machine by executing the following command in your terminal:

git clone

Now, you can open the repository in your preferred code editor to explore or modify the project.


Here is an example of the VS Code Extension
