Docker Configuration

This section outlines the Docker configuration used within the development environment for benhall/golang-demo.

Building the Docker Image

The Dockerfile leverages a two-stage build process to optimize the resulting image size:

  • Stage 1: Builder Stage

    • This stage utilizes the golang:1.21-alpine base image.
    • The working directory is set to /app.
    • The go.mod and go.sum files are copied into the container.
    • Dependencies are downloaded and the go.sum file is updated.
    • The entire application code is copied to the container.
    • The application is built using go build -o myapp.
    # First stage: build the application
    FROM golang:1.21-alpine AS builder
    # Set the working directory
    WORKDIR /app
    # Copy go.mod
    COPY go.mod go.sum ./
    # Download dependencies and generate go.sum
    RUN go mod download && go mod tidy
    # Copy the rest of the application code
    COPY . .
    # Build the application
    RUN go build -o myapp
  • Stage 2: Runtime Stage

    • This stage utilizes the alpine:latest base image.
    • The working directory is set to /root/.
    • The built application binary (myapp) is copied from the builder stage.
    • The container exposes port 8080 to the outside world.
    • The CMD instruction specifies the command to run the executable: ./myapp.
    # Second stage: create the runtime image
    FROM alpine:latest
    # Set the working directory
    WORKDIR /root/
    # Copy the built application from the builder stage
    COPY --from=builder /app/myapp .
    # Expose port 8080 to the outside world
    EXPOSE 8080
    # Command to run the executable
    CMD ["./myapp"]

To build the Docker image, navigate to the project root directory and run the following command:

docker build -t golang-demo .

Running the Docker Image

Once the image is built, it can be run with the following command:

docker run --name=golang-http-demo -p 8082:8080 -itd golang-demo

This command:

  • Creates a container named golang-http-demo.
  • Maps port 8082 on the host machine to port 8080 inside the container.
  • Runs the container in detached mode (-d) and starts an interactive terminal (-it).

Testing the Application

To test the application running in the container, you can use curl:

curl localhost:8082

This command will send a request to the localhost:8082 endpoint and display the response, which should be “Hello, World!”.