
benhall/golang-demo Community


The benhall/golang-demo project welcomes contributions from the community! We encourage you to get involved and help us make this project even better.

Here are some ways you can contribute:

Code Example:

Here’s an example of how to report an issue:

// Example issue report
title: "Bug: Function 'calculateSum' returns incorrect result"
body: "The 'calculateSum' function is returning an incorrect result when called with certain input values. For example, when calling 'calculateSum(1, 2)', it returns '3' instead of '4'.

This issue seems to be caused by [possible cause of the issue].

I have attached a test case that demonstrates the issue."

Contributing to the project is a great way to learn new things, share your knowledge with others, and make a positive impact on the community.

We appreciate all contributions, no matter how big or small!