
Project Structure

bin/ - Contains scripts that can be executed directly, such as starting the application with node bin/www.
bin/www - Script to start the Express application using node and require("./app").
public/ - Static files that will be served directly by the Express application, like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and images.
public/stylesheets/ - Subdirectory for storing CSS files.
public/stylesheets/style.css - The main stylesheet for the application.
routes/ - Subdirectory for defining the application's routes, which map URLs to specific handlers.
routes/index.js - Handles the routes for the homepage and other default pages.
routes/users.js - Handles the routes for user-related functionality.
views/ - Subdirectory for storing the application's templates, which are rendered as HTML responses.
views/error.hbs - Handlebars template for rendering error pages.
views/index.hbs - Handlebars template for rendering the homepage.
views/layout.hbs - Handlebars template for the application's layout, which is shared across multiple pages.
Dockerfile - Instructions for building a Docker image for the application.
app.js - The main file for the Express application, which sets up the server and routes.
docker-compose.yml - Configuration file for Docker Compose, which manages the application's dependencies and services.
nodemon.json - Configuration file for Nodemon, which automatically restarts the server when files change.
package.json - Manifest file for the Node.js project, which lists dependencies and scripts.


app.js - This is the main entrypoint file for the Express.js application. It sets up the Express application, configures middleware, defines routes, and starts the server.
index.js - This file is the entrypoint for the user-facing part of the application. It requires and initializes the Express application instance created in `app.js`, sets up any additional middleware or routes specific to this file, and exports a default function that can be used as the Express application's main route handler.

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