Learn using Shoulder.dev Shoulder.dev transforms codebases into tailored learning experiences. Below are organized categories of the codebase to help you start with your initial focus. Introduction to Express.js Understanding the significance and basic information about the Express.js framework, its features, and why it’s used in this project. Project Structure Understanding the directory structure and organization of the project, including the purpose of each folder (e.g., bin, public, routes, views). Routing in Express.js Learning about the available routing options in Express.js, how to define routes, and how they are used in this project. View Engine and Templating Understanding how the view engine (e.g., EJS, Pug) is used to render templates and dynamic content in the views folder. Static Assets Management Learning about how static assets (e.g., CSS, images) are managed and served from the public folder. Request and Response Handling Understanding how Express.js handles HTTP requests and responses, including request and response objects, middleware, and error handling. Testing Strategies Understanding the testing frameworks and methodologies used in this project, including unit testing, integration testing, and end-to-end testing. Debugging and Troubleshooting Learning about strategies and methods for debugging and troubleshooting issues in the project, including error handling and logging. CI/CD Pipelines Understanding the continuous integration and deployment processes used in this project, including automated testing, building, and deployment. Security Fundamentals Learning about security protocols and best practices used in this project, including authentication, authorization, and data validation. Client-Side Security Understanding security strategies for client-side operations, including input validation, sanitization, and encryption. Performance Optimization Learning about techniques for enhancing performance in this project, including caching, compression, and optimization of database queries. Development Environments Understanding how to manage different development stages, including development, staging, and production environments. Monitoring and Logging Learning about how to set up and maintain logging and tracing mechanisms to monitor the project’s performance and identify issues. More Content Coming Soon! More Content Coming Soon! More Content Coming Soon!