This documentation provides a comprehensive guide on how to build and start the Thanos project, focusing on expert developers familiar with the repository.


Before proceeding, ensure you have the following installed:

  • Go (version >= 1.17)
  • Node.js and npm
  • Make
  • Docker (if using Docker)

Setting Up the Development Environment

1. Clone the Repository

First, clone the Thanos repository:

git clone
cd thanos

2. Install Dependencies

Use the Makefile to install the dependencies defined within:

make deps

This will ensure your go.mod file is tidy and verified.

Building the Project

3. Build the Binary

To build the Thanos binary, execute the following command:

make build

This targets the main build process defined in the Makefile. The output binary will be located in the current project directory.

4. Cross-Compile for Different Platforms (Optional)

If you require cross-compilation for different platforms, use:

make crossbuild

This will generate binaries for several platforms based on the current branch of the repository. If you are on the main branch, it will specifically build for:

  • linux/amd64
  • linux/arm64
  • linux/ppc64le

5. Verify the Build

After building, verify that the binary has been created:

ls -l ./thanos

Running the Project

6. Starting the Server

To initiate the Thanos server, execute:

./thanos server --http-address=

Adjust parameters according to your deployment strategy.

7. Start Local Object Storage (Optional)

If local object storage is desired, run the quickstart script after ensuring any necessary variables (e.g., MINIO_ENABLED) are set in your environment:

bash scripts/

This script sets up locally required services. Ensure that you have the Minio binary available if using S3-compatible APIs.

8. Running Tests

To execute tests, be mindful of build constraints. Exclude tests with constraints like !linux or !stringlabels if necessary:

make test

This command triggers the testing process defined within the Makefile, executing tests while adhering to established constraints.

Additional Steps

9. Linting & Formatting

Maintain code quality by running:

make lint
make format

These commands will apply lint and formatting checks across your Go and JavaScript/TypeScript code, ensuring consistency.

10. Docker Support

If you plan to run Thanos in a Docker container, utilize the following command to build the Docker image:

make docker

This pulls together all necessary components into a Docker image that can be deployed as needed.

To run the Docker image:

docker run -p 10902:10902 thanos-io/thanos:latest server --http-address=


By following this guide, you can efficiently build and run the Thanos project. For further development and contributions, refer to the file for best practices.

Sources used:

  • Makefile
  • docs/
  • scripts/