
What are the routes in this codebase? - stefanprodan/timoni

Routes in Timoni

Timoni utilizes a structure of routes, which are essentially pathways within the application that determine the actions or information displayed to the user based on their requests. These routes are defined using the gin framework, a popular web framework for Go applications.

Understanding Route Structure

To visualize how Timoni’s routes are structured, consider this example from the codebase:

router.GET("/namespaces/:namespace/applications/:name", applications.GetApplication)

This line defines a route that responds to GET requests at the URL path /namespaces/:namespace/applications/:name.

  • GET indicates the HTTP method (request type) for this route.
  • /namespaces/:namespace/applications/:name is the route path, where:
    • :namespace and :name are parameters that capture information from the URL.
    • This allows flexibility in handling different namespaces and application names.
  • applications.GetApplication specifies the handler function responsible for processing the request and generating the response.

Defining Routes

The main entry point for defining routes in Timoni is within the cmd/server/main.go file. Specifically, within the NewRouter function, routes are configured using the gin router:

router.GET("/namespaces/:namespace/applications", applications.ListApplications)
router.POST("/namespaces/:namespace/applications", applications.CreateApplication)
router.DELETE("/namespaces/:namespace/applications/:name", applications.DeleteApplication)
router.GET("/namespaces/:namespace/applications/:name/services", applications.ListApplicationServices)

This example demonstrates a series of routes related to application management:

  • /namespaces/:namespace/applications: Lists all applications within a given namespace.
  • /namespaces/:namespace/applications: Creates a new application within a namespace.
  • /namespaces/:namespace/applications/:name: Deletes an application by name.
  • /namespaces/:namespace/applications/:name/services: Lists all services associated with a specific application.

Navigating the Routes

To comprehensively explore all defined routes within the Timoni codebase, review the cmd/server/main.go file, specifically within the NewRouter function. Each route declaration defines a specific path, HTTP method, and corresponding handler function.

This information provides a comprehensive overview of the application’s routing structure. You can further explore the functionalities associated with each route by examining the corresponding handler functions within the relevant code files.