
What is Timoni’s Concepts and Architecture?

Timoni is an open-source, container-native, microservices platform built using Go and Docker. The Concepts and Architecture of Timoni refer to the fundamental building blocks and their interactions that make up the platform.

  1. Modules: A Module is a self-contained unit of functionality in Timoni. It consists of one or more Go packages and their dependencies. Each Module is designed to provide a specific functionality or service.

  2. Instances: An Instance is a running instance of a Module. It is created when a container is started based on the Module’s Docker image. Instances communicate with each other using well-defined APIs and message queues.

  3. Bundles: A Bundle is a collection of related Modules that are deployed and managed together. It can include multiple instances of the same Module or different Modules that work together.

  4. OCI Artifacts: Open Container Initiative (OCI) Artifacts are the standardized format for container images, including Docker images. Timoni uses OCI Artifacts to package and distribute its Modules.

Why is Timoni’s Concepts and Architecture important?

Understanding the Concepts and Architecture of Timoni is crucial for developers as it helps them:

  1. Build and deploy microservices: By understanding the building blocks of Timoni, developers can create, package, and deploy their own microservices using the platform.

  2. Communicate between services: Knowing how Instances communicate with each other using APIs and message queues is essential for building scalable and resilient microservices architectures.

  3. Manage dependencies: Understanding how Modules and their dependencies are managed within Bundles helps developers maintain a clear and manageable project structure.

  4. Leverage container technology: Timoni’s use of container technology, such as Docker and OCI Artifacts, enables developers to easily package, distribute, and run their microservices in various environments.

For more information, please refer to the following resources:
