CLI Usage - stefanprodan/timoni

Timoni CLI Commands

This document provides a detailed explanation of using the Timoni CLI, including examples of various CLI commands and their usage.

Commands for Building and Applying Modules

timoni build <name> <path/to/module> -n <namespace>

This command builds a module and outputs the generated Kubernetes objects to a file named <name>.yaml in the current directory. The -n flag specifies the namespace for the generated objects.


timoni build my-module ./my-module -n my-namespace

timoni apply <name> <path/to/module> -f <path/to/values.cue> --dry-run --diff

This command applies the module to a Kubernetes cluster using the specified values file. The --dry-run flag allows you to see what changes would be made without actually applying them, and the --diff flag shows the differences between the current and desired state of the Kubernetes objects.


timoni apply my-module ./my-module -f my-values.cue --dry-run --diff

Commands for Vendoring Kubernetes APIs and CRDs

timoni mod vendor k8s --version latest

This command venders the latest version of the Kubernetes APIs and CRDs into the gen directory of the current module.


timoni mod vendor k8s --version latest

timoni mod vendor crds -f <path/to/crds.yaml>

This command venders the CRDs defined in the specified file into the gen directory of the current module.


timoni mod vendor crds -f ./my-crds.yaml

Commands for Working with Remote Modules

timoni mod push <path/to/module> oci://<module-url> -v <semver>

This command pushes the specified module to the given OCI registry with the specified semantic version.


timoni mod push ./my-module oci:// -v 1.0.0

timoni mod pull oci://<module-url> -v <semver> -o <path/to/module>

This command pulls the specified module from the given OCI registry with the specified semantic version and saves it to the specified local path.


timoni mod pull oci:// -v 1.0.0 -o ./my-module

timoni mod list oci://<module-url>

This command lists the available modules in the given OCI registry.


timoni mod list oci://

Commands for Working with Local Modules

timoni mod init <module-name>

This command initializes a new Timoni module with the specified name.


timoni mod init my-module

timoni mod lint <path/to/module>

This command lints the specified Timoni module and outputs any errors or warnings.


timoni mod lint ./my-module

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