Running Tests for slimtoolkit/slim

This document provides a step-by-step guide for running tests for the slimtoolkit/slim project.

Running Tests with make

The project’s Makefile provides convenient targets for running tests. You can use make to execute these targets:

  1. Run tests:

    make test

    This target builds the project, runs tests, and generates coverage reports.

    Source: Makefile

Running Tests with go test

You can also run tests using the go test command. This approach offers more granular control over the testing process.

  1. Run all tests:

    go test ./...

    This command runs all tests within the project’s directory.

  2. Run tests in a specific package:

    go test ./path/to/package

    Replace ./path/to/package with the actual path to the package you want to test.

  3. Run tests with specific flags:

    go test -v ./...

    The -v flag enables verbose output, providing detailed information about test execution.

    You can also use other flags like -cover to generate coverage reports, -run to filter tests by name, and -bench to run benchmarks.

    Source: go help test

Generating Coverage Reports

To generate a test coverage report, you can use the go test -cover command. This command creates a coverage report in the coverage.out file.

  1. Generate coverage report:

    go test -cover ./...

    This command runs all tests and generates a coverage report in coverage.out.

  2. View coverage report:

    go tool cover -html=coverage.out

    This command opens the coverage report in your web browser.

    Source: go help test

Running Tests in a Docker Container

The project provides a Dockerfile for building and running the application in a Docker container. You can use the make command to build and run the container.

  1. Build the Docker image:

    make build_in_docker

    This target builds a Docker image named slim with the project’s code.

  2. Run the Docker container:

    make run_in_docker

    This target runs the Docker container and exposes port 8080 to the host machine.

    Source: Dockerfile, Makefile

Running Tests with make test (Simplified)

For a simplified approach, use the make test target to run the tests within the Docker container:

make test

This approach simplifies the testing process by automatically building the Docker image and running the tests within the container.

Source: Makefile