The codebase supports various Raspberry Pi OS versions and Debian distributions.
Raspberry Pi Models:
- Raspberry Pi 4 Model B - 32-bit and 64-bit Bullseye, 64-bit Bookworm
- Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ - 32-bit and 64-bit Bullseye, 64-bit Bookworm
- Raspberry Pi 3 Model B - 64-bit Bookworm and Bullseye
- Raspberry Pi 2 Model B - 32-bit Bookworm and Bullseye
Other Platforms:
- PC (x86 Devices) - 64-bit Bookworm
- NUC devices
- The installer is still being fixed for Raspberry Pi Zero and Raspberry Pi 1.
- balena.yml
Anthias has been tested and is known to work on the supported platforms. If you encounter any issues, please file an issue on the repository or on the forums.
Code Examples:
detects the device type based on the/proc/device-tree/model
The code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.
Top-Level Directory Explanations
.github/ - This directory contains GitHub-specific configuration files and workflows for the project.
.github/workflows/ - This directory contains YAML files defining continuous integration and deployment workflows for GitHub Actions.
anthias_app/ - This directory contains the main application codebase for the project, likely written in Django.
api/ - This directory contains the API codebase for the project.
api/serializers/ - This directory contains Django REST Framework serializers for converting data between Python objects and JSON.
bin/ - This directory contains executable scripts for the project.
lib/ - This directory contains reusable Python modules and libraries for the project.
static/ - This directory contains static files, such as images, CSS, and JavaScript, that are served directly to the user by the web server.
static/fontawesome/ - This directory contains Font Awesome icons and styles.
static/fontawesome/css/ - This directory contains Font Awesome CSS files.
static/js/ - This directory contains JavaScript files.
static/spec/ - This directory contains test files for the static files.
static/spec/jasmine/ - This directory contains Jasmine test files.
templates/ - This directory contains HTML templates used to render dynamic content.
tests/ - This directory contains test files for the project.
tools/ - This directory contains tools and scripts used to develop and maintain the project.
tools/image_builder/ - This tool likely builds and optimizes images for the project.
website/ - This directory contains the website codebase.
website/bin/ - This directory contains website executable scripts.
webview/ - This directory likely contains configuration files and code for a webview component.