Anthias Overview - screenly/anthias

Anthias is an open-source project with contributions welcomed from the community. To get started, familiarize yourself with the Code of Conduct and the Architecture document. Set up necessary accounts as described in the Getting Started guide.

Key Technologies and Dependencies

  • The Big Picture: Anthias is a platform for managing and monitoring Kubernetes networks.
  • Design Philosophy: Anthias follows the Kubernetes philosophy of simplicity, extensibility, and community engagement.
  • Programming languages: Anthias utilizes Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Dockerfile, SCSS, C++, Qmake, and Shell.
  • Webpack, css-loader, mini-css-extract-plugin, sass, sass-loader, bootstrap, and css-toggle-switch are used for frontend development.
  • python, poetry, click are used for backend development.

Online Documentation

For Anthias documentation, visit It includes the following sections:

  • Getting started: A guide to deploying and using Anthias.
  • Contributing: Information about contributing to the Anthias project, including setting up your development environment, contribution workflow, and conventions for writing documentation.
  • Architecture and Design: An overview of Anthias’ architecture and design.
  • Cookbooks: Guides for specific Anthias use cases, such as deploying Antrea with Multus.
  • Kubernetes: A series of blog posts on Anthrea and Kubernetes.

Code Documentation

The code documentation for Anthias is available in the following files:

Code Snippets

The following code snippets provide insight into Anthias’ implementation:

Anthias is an open-source project with a welcoming community. Contribute to Anthias and help shape the future of Kubernetes network management and monitoring.