moby/moby The Moby Project is an open-source initiative led by Docker to enable and accelerate the development and use of container technology. Quick Wins docker buildBuild a Docker image from a Dockerfile.docker runRun a container using an image.docker pullDownload an image from a registry. Latest Release v25.0.6 Jul 25, 2024 Codebase Use Shoulder to understand the codebase
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants Learn the dependencies of moby/moby to gain a deeper understanding of the project. golang The base image for building Docker using Go. tonistiigi/xx A cross-compilation helper. busybox A minimalist Linux operating system used as a base image for other stages. debian A Debian-based operating system used for installing packages. Docker distribution package used for building the Docker registry. Go library for generating OpenAPI documentation. Go debugger. Go library for parsing TOML files. Go library for creating Windows executables. Container runtime. Utility for ensuring that a process is the first process in a container. Docker command-line interface.