Resource Management
The client-go library offers a comprehensive set of tools for managing Kubernetes resources, simplifying the process of deploying, managing, and monitoring applications within a Kubernetes cluster.
Core Features:
- Resource Management: Efficiently manage Kubernetes resources such as Pods, Deployments, Services, and custom resources. This enables seamless application lifecycle management. examples/create-update-delete-deployment/ examples/dynamic-create-update-delete-deployment/
- Informer Framework: Enables efficient and scalable resource monitoring by providing a mechanism to watch for changes in the Kubernetes API server. examples/ examples/workqueue/
- Work Queues: Provides a rate-limited work queue to prevent controllers from becoming overwhelmed by frequent updates. examples/ examples/workqueue/
- Leader Election: Implements a robust leader election mechanism for ensuring high availability (HA) in controllers. This guarantees that only a single instance of a controller is active at any given time. examples/leader-election/
- Dynamic Client: Offers a flexible approach to interact with the Kubernetes API by allowing interactions with any resource without needing to know the specific resource type beforehand. examples/dynamic-create-update-delete-deployment/
Common Scenarios:
- Deploying Applications: Use client-go to create and manage Kubernetes resources for deploying and managing applications. examples/create-update-delete-deployment/ examples/dynamic-create-update-delete-deployment/
- Building Controllers: Build robust and scalable controllers to manage the state of your Kubernetes cluster. This can involve handling resource creation, updates, and deletion based on custom rules. examples/workqueue/
- Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs): Leverage client-go to interact with custom resources, extending the Kubernetes API to suit specific application needs. examples/
- Ensuring High Availability: Implement highly available controllers by utilizing the leader election functionality. This guarantees that a single leader will always be managing a particular resource or set of resources, even during failures. examples/leader-election/
Example Usage:
- Out-of-Cluster Client Configuration: Connect to a Kubernetes cluster from outside the cluster using a kubeconfig file. examples/out-of-cluster-client-configuration/
- In-Cluster Client Configuration: Access the Kubernetes API from within a Pod deployed in the cluster. examples/in-cluster-client-configuration/
Key Concepts:
- Declarative Configuration: Client-go provides a declarative approach for defining resource configurations, allowing for clear and concise resource creation and updates. applyconfigurations/core/v1/resourcestatus.go applyconfigurations/autoscaling/v2beta1/resourcemetricsource.go applyconfigurations/autoscaling/v2beta1/resourcemetricstatus.go applyconfigurations/core/v1/resourcerequirements.go applyconfigurations/resource/v1alpha3/resourcepool.go applyconfigurations/core/v1/containerstatus.go applyconfigurations/autoscaling/v2/resourcemetricstatus.go applyconfigurations/autoscaling/v2/resourcemetricsource.go applyconfigurations/resource/v1alpha3/resourceclaimstatus.go applyconfigurations/autoscaling/v2beta2/resourcemetricsource.go applyconfigurations/autoscaling/v2beta2/resourcemetricstatus.go
- Resource Locks: Securely manage resource access and prevent race conditions during leader election. tools/leaderelection/resourcelock/interface.go
Further Information:
- Documentation: Refer to the client-go documentation for comprehensive information about its features and usage.
- Contribution: Contribute to the client-go project by submitting pull requests to the Kubernetes repository.
Top-Level Directory Explanations
applyconfigurations/ - This directory contains examples and tests for applying Kubernetes configurations using the client-go library.
discovery/ - This directory contains code related to service discovery in Kubernetes.
dynamic/ - This directory contains code for working with dynamic resources in the Kubernetes API.
examples/ - This directory contains example usage of the client-go library.
gentype/ - This directory contains generated Go types for the Kubernetes API.
informers/ - This directory contains code for caching Kubernetes resources using informers.
kubernetes/ - This directory contains the main package for the client-go library, which provides types and functions for interacting with the Kubernetes API.
listers/ - This directory contains interfaces and implementations for listing Kubernetes resources.
metadata/ - This directory contains code related to metadata in Kubernetes.
rest/ - This directory contains code for working with the REST API in the client-go library.
scale/ - This directory contains code for working with scale and autoscaling in Kubernetes.
tools/ - This directory contains various tools for working with the client-go library.
util/ - This directory contains utility functions for the client-go library.