Resource Management

The client-go library offers a comprehensive set of tools for managing Kubernetes resources, simplifying the process of deploying, managing, and monitoring applications within a Kubernetes cluster.

Core Features:

Common Scenarios:

Example Usage:

Key Concepts:

Further Information:

  • Documentation: Refer to the client-go documentation for comprehensive information about its features and usage.
  • Contribution: Contribute to the client-go project by submitting pull requests to the Kubernetes repository.

Top-Level Directory Explanations

applyconfigurations/ - This directory contains examples and tests for applying Kubernetes configurations using the client-go library.

discovery/ - This directory contains code related to service discovery in Kubernetes.

dynamic/ - This directory contains code for working with dynamic resources in the Kubernetes API.

examples/ - This directory contains example usage of the client-go library.

gentype/ - This directory contains generated Go types for the Kubernetes API.

informers/ - This directory contains code for caching Kubernetes resources using informers.

kubernetes/ - This directory contains the main package for the client-go library, which provides types and functions for interacting with the Kubernetes API.

listers/ - This directory contains interfaces and implementations for listing Kubernetes resources.

metadata/ - This directory contains code related to metadata in Kubernetes.

rest/ - This directory contains code for working with the REST API in the client-go library.

scale/ - This directory contains code for working with scale and autoscaling in Kubernetes.

tools/ - This directory contains various tools for working with the client-go library.

util/ - This directory contains utility functions for the client-go library.