In a production environment, effective monitoring is crucial for maintaining performance, detecting issues, and ensuring the reliability of applications built with Kubernetes and client-go. This documentation describes a step-by-step guide on how monitoring can be implemented using the library.

Step 1: Set Up Metrics Collection

Using the metrics collection capabilities of client-go, you can observe and record metrics related to your application’s performance. The metrics.go file in the tools package includes several methods to help you do this.


package metrics

import (

type noopLatency struct {}

func (n noopLatency) Observe(ctx context.Context, operation string, endpoint url.URL, duration time.Duration) {
    // Implementation for observing operation latency

In this snippet, noopLatency is utilized to monitor the latency of operations. You can replace noopLatency with an actual implementation that records metrics to a monitoring system like Prometheus.

Step 2: Implement Workqueue Metrics

Workqueues are fundamental in Kubernetes for managing background tasks. You can track the performance of workqueues using the metrics provided by the client-go library.


package workqueue

import (

type testMetric struct {
    lock          sync.Mutex
    observedValue float64
    observedCount int
    notify        func()

func (m *testMetric) Observe(f float64) {
    defer m.lock.Unlock()
    m.observedValue = f

In this example, the testMetric struct can be enhanced to notify your monitoring system whenever a task is processed. By observing how often and how long tasks take, you gain meaningful metrics.

Step 3: Integrate Metrics in Your Controllers

When writing controllers, metrics should be integrated to track their performance closely. Use the workqueue metrics in conjunction with controller logic.

Example from a work queue controller:

package main

import (

func main() {
    queue := workqueue.NewRateLimitingQueue(workqueue.DefaultControllerRateLimiter())

    // Start tracking queue metrics
    for {
        // Get the next item from the queue
        obj, shutdown := queue.Get()
        if shutdown {

        // Process the item and observe the time taken
        start := time.Now()
        processItem(obj) // Placeholder for your item processing logic
        duration := time.Since(start)

        // Observe the processing time
        // Ideally record the duration to a monitoring system

In this example, the processing time is calculated and can be observed by a metrics collection system.

Step 4: Event Recording for Important Changes

Using the event recording features of client-go ensures that significant changes or errors are logged and can be monitored.


import (

func recordEvent(eventType, reason, message string) {
    broadcaster := record.NewBroadcaster()
    recorder := broadcaster.NewRecorder(scheme, corev1.EventSource{Component: "my-component"})
    recorder.Event(reason, eventType, message)

Whenever an event occurs, the recordEvent function can be invoked to log events related to important actions taken by your application.

Step 5: Periodic Monitoring of System State

Finally, you can create a periodic job that uses the client-go to check and report the state of your system, such as the number of pods.


package main

import (

func main() {
    config, err := clientcmd.BuildConfigFromFlags("", "/path/to/kubeconfig")
    if err != nil {

    clientset, err := kubernetes.NewForConfig(config)
    if err != nil {

    for {
        pods, err := clientset.CoreV1().Pods("").List(context.TODO(), metav1.ListOptions{})
        if err != nil {
        // Here you would typically send this pod count to your monitoring system
        log.Printf("There are %d pods in the cluster", len(pods.Items))
        time.Sleep(10 * time.Second) // Adjust according to your requirements

In this example, the above loop fetches and logs the number of pods in the cluster every 10 seconds, which can be vital for monitoring the health of your application.


Monitoring is an essential aspect of maintaining Kubernetes applications. By utilizing the capabilities of the Kubernetes/client-go library, developers can efficiently gather metrics, monitor work queues, record important events, and regularly check the state of their systems. By implementing these practices, production systems can be kept in check, ensuring better uptime and performance.


  • examples/workqueue/
  • examples/create-update-delete-deployment/
  • tools/metrics/metrics.go
  • util/workqueue/metrics_test.go
  • tools/record/event_test.go
  • examples/out-of-cluster-client-configuration/