This documentation provides a step-by-step guide on how Docker is utilized in the development environment for kubernetes/client-go. The instructions focus on building and running applications using Docker without involving production configurations.


Ensure that you have the following prerequisites fulfilled:

  • A Kubernetes cluster is set up and properly configured with kubectl.
  • Docker installed and running on your development machine.

Step 1: Setting Up Your Dockerfile

Create a Dockerfile to define how your application will be built and run inside a Docker container. Below is a basic example of a Dockerfile.

# Dockerfile

FROM golang:1.17-alpine as builder


# Copy source code
COPY . .

# Build the application
RUN go build -o app .

FROM alpine:latest  

# Copy the built application from the builder stage
COPY --from=builder /app/app .



  • The first stage uses the golang:1.17-alpine base image to compile the Go application.
  • The second stage uses a smaller alpine image to run the application. This minimizes the image size.
  • The ENTRYPOINT command sets the default command to run when the container starts.

Step 2: Compiling the Application

To compile the application, follow the steps below:

cd create-update-delete-deployment
go build -o ./app

This command compiles the main.go file in the specified directory, outputting the compiled binary as app.

Step 3: Building the Docker Image

If using a Minikube cluster, you can build the Docker image directly on the Minikube Docker environment. Run the following command:

eval $(minikube docker-env)
docker build -t in-cluster .

Without Minikube:

If you are developing outside of Minikube or other Docker-compatible Kubernetes setups, build the image and push it to a Docker registry.

docker build -t my-registry/in-cluster:latest .
docker push my-registry/in-cluster:latest

Replace my-registry with the actual registry path.

Step 4: Running the Application in Your Local Environment

Once you have built the Docker image, it’s time to run it locally, using your kubeconfig:

./app -kubeconfig=$HOME/.kube/config

Application Operations

The application will execute various operations on your Kubernetes cluster. It will:

  1. Create Deployment: Create a Deployment with 2 replicas. Verify by running:

    kubectl get pods
  2. Update Deployment: Modify the Deployment to change the replica count and update the container image. Use:

    kubectl describe deployment demo
  3. List Deployments: Retrieve and list all Deployments in the default namespace.

  4. Delete Deployment: Remove the created Deployment. Check via:

    kubectl get deployments

Step 5: Verify Your Setup

After running the application, you should see prompts guiding you through each operation, allowing you meaningful interactions with your Kubernetes cluster.

Important Notes

  • Ensure the Dockerfile and the Go application source code are in the same directory.
  • Modify the Dockerfile and application code as needed to fit your specific requirements and dependencies.
  • If running on Minikube, ensure that Docker is configured to use the Minikube Docker daemon to avoid escalated permissions.


This guide describes the essential steps to configure Docker for the kubernetes/client-go development environment. Properly utilizing Docker during development simplifies integration with Kubernetes and provides a streamlined workflow for application testing and deployment.

Source: Code examples and configurations are referenced from sample application folders in the Kubernetes/client-go repository.