This documentation outlines a detailed CI/CD workflow for the Kubernetes client-go project, providing an expert guide on setting up Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment processes. If no CI/CD is configured, it will be noted, alongside suggested next steps.


Integrating a CI/CD pipeline into the project allows for automated testing, building, and deployment processes that enhance code stability and reduce the risk of errors in the deployment of Kubernetes client applications.

Setting Up CI/CD

  1. Choose a CI/CD System: Popular options include Jenkins, GitLab CI, Travis CI, or GitHub Actions. Select a system that aligns with your workflow preferences.

  2. Configure the CI/CD Environment:

    • Define environment variables needed for accessing the Kubernetes cluster.
    • Make sure the Docker daemon is accessible for building images as the codebase is written in Go.
  3. Dockerfile Creation: Create a Dockerfile in your project root:

    # Use Go official image
    FROM golang:1.20 AS builder
    # Set working directory
    WORKDIR /app
    # Copy dependency definitions
    COPY go.mod ./
    COPY go.sum ./
    # Download dependencies
    RUN go mod download
    # Copy source code
    COPY . .
    # Build the application
    RUN go build -o client-go-app ./...
    # Use a smaller image to run the application
    FROM alpine:latest
    # Copy the binary from builder stage
    COPY --from=builder /app/client-go-app /app
    # Specify entrypoint
    ENTRYPOINT ["/app"]
  4. CI Configuration File: Each CI/CD system has its configuration format. Below is an example for GitHub Actions (.github/workflows/ci.yml):

    name: CI Pipeline
    on: [push, pull_request]
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        - name: Checkout
          uses: actions/checkout@v2
        - name: Setup Go
          uses: actions/setup-go@v2
            go-version: 1.20
        - name: Install dependencies
          run: go mod download
        - name: Build
          run: go build -o client-go-app ./...
        - name: Run Tests
          run: go test ./...
  5. CD Configuration: For deploying to a Kubernetes cluster, a separate configuration step is necessary. If you are using GitHub Actions, append the following to the same workflow:

    - name: Set up Kubeconfig
      run: |
        echo "${{ secrets.KUBE_CONFIG }}" > kubeconfig.yaml
        export KUBECONFIG=$PWD/kubeconfig.yaml
    - name: Deploy to Kubernetes
      run: |
        kubectl apply -f k8s/deployment.yaml

    Ensure that you store your Kubeconfig in GitHub secrets under the name KUBE_CONFIG to maintain security.

  6. Kubernetes Deployment Manifest: Create a Kubernetes deployment manifest under k8s/deployment.yaml:

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: client-go-app
      replicas: 1
          app: client-go-app
            app: client-go-app
          - name: client-go-app
            image: your-docker-registry/client-go-app:latest
            - containerPort: 8080

Running CI/CD Workflows

Once the configurations are set up, commit the changes and push them to your repository. You should see the CI/CD workflows executing based on the events defined (e.g., push or pull request).

Clean-up Commands

To remove the deployments created during the CI/CD process:

kubectl delete deploy client-go-app

Next Steps if CI/CD is Not Set Up

If a CI/CD pipeline is not currently configured for the project, consider the following steps:

  1. Analyze project requirements for testing and deployment.
  2. Select a CI/CD platform based on team familiarity and project needs.
  3. Start with a basic CI configuration to build and test the application.
  4. Gradually introduce CD processes along with security measures for deployment to production environments.


This CI/CD workflow guide provides expert developers with a systematic approach to automating the building and deployment of Kubernetes client-go applications. Through continuous integration and deployment, projects benefit from reduced error rates and enhanced productivity.

Source: Kubernetes client-go documentation and examples.