
The Jaeger-lib codebase follows a consistent formatting style to ensure readability and maintainability. The following guidelines are used:

General Formatting:

  • Code Style: Go code follows the official Go formatting style, which can be enforced using gofmt.
  • Line Length: Code lines should be kept under 120 characters.
  • Indentation: Use 4 spaces for indentation, never tabs.
  • Imports: Imports should be grouped and sorted alphabetically.
  • Comments: Comments should be clear and concise.

Specific Formatting:

  • Functions:

    • Function names use camelCase, starting with a lowercase letter, e.g. getMetrics.
    • Each function should have a brief comment explaining its purpose.
  • Variables:

    • Variable names are in camelCase, starting with a lowercase letter, e.g. serviceName.
    • Constants should be in ALL_CAPS, e.g. CURRENT_YEAR.
  • Structs:

    • Struct names use CamelCase, starting with a capital letter, e.g. Influx.
    • Struct fields use camelCase, starting with a lowercase letter, e.g. serviceName.


  • Function Definition:
// GetMetrics retrieves all metrics from the specified source.
          func GetMetrics(source string) ([]*Metric, error) {
              // Implementation of the GetMetrics function.
  • Variable Declaration:
var currentYear int = 2023
          const CURRENT_YEAR = 2023
  • Struct Declaration:
// Influx represents a InfluxDB client.
          type Influx struct {
              client *influxdb2.Client
              database string



  • gofmt: Go formatter tool.
  • goimports: Tool for managing imports.


  • The Jaeger-lib codebase uses automated tools to ensure code formatting consistency.
  • All code contributions must pass these checks before being accepted.

Top-Level Directory Explanations

client/ - This directory contains the client-side code for the Jaeger Tracing library.

client/log/ - This subdirectory contains the logging implementation for the client-side code.

client/log/go-kit/ - This subdirectory of the logging implementation contains the Go-Kit logging adapter.

metrics/ - This directory contains the metrics implementation for the Jaeger Tracing library.

metrics/adapters/ - This subdirectory contains the various metric adapters for different backends.

metrics/expvar/ - This subdirectory contains the implementation for exposing metrics as HTTP endpoints using the expvar package.

metrics/go-kit/ - This subdirectory contains the Go-Kit integration for the Jaeger Tracing library.

metrics/go-kit/expvar/ - This subdirectory contains the expvar implementation for the Go-Kit integration.

metrics/go-kit/influx/ - This subdirectory contains the InfluxDB implementation for the Go-Kit integration.

metrics/metricstest/ - This subdirectory contains the testing implementation for the metrics.

metrics/prometheus/ - This subdirectory contains the Prometheus implementation for the Jaeger Tracing library.

metrics/tally/ - This subdirectory contains the implementation for counting metrics using the tally package.

sample/ - This directory contains a sample implementation for the Jaeger Tracing library.

scripts/ - This directory contains various scripts for the project.