
Navigate the Codebase using the tree view. Use the filters to highlight where various files are grouped to aid understanding.

Getting Started Commands

Project Structure

Below is a short description of the key directories of the project to aid you when understanding where key files are located.

.git/ - This directory contains the Git repository data. It includes various subdirectories and files that manage the version control system.
.git/branches/ - This directory stores the local branches of the Git repository. Each branch is represented by a symbolic reference file.
.git/config - This file contains the configuration settings for the Git repository.
.git/description - This file contains a short description of the Git repository.
.git/HEAD - This file represents the current branch or commit in the Git repository.
.git/hooks/ - This directory contains scripts that Git runs during certain events, such as committing, pushing, or receiving. These scripts can be customized to automate tasks or enforce rules.
.git/index - This file represents the staging area for the Git repository. It stores the differences between the working directory and the next commit.
.git/info/ - This directory contains files that provide information about the Git repository, such as the current branch and the commit messages.
.git/info/exclude - This file lists the patterns to exclude from Git's index and working directory when committing or staging files.
.git/logs/ - This directory contains the commit logs for the Git repository. It includes subdirectories for refs, heads, and remotes.
.git/logs/refs/heads/ - This directory contains the commit logs for the local branches. The main file represents the current branch.
.git/logs/refs/remotes/origin/ - This directory contains the commit logs for the remote branches in the origin remote. The HEAD file represents the current branch in the remote.
.git/objects/ - This directory contains the actual object data for the Git repository, such as commits, trees, and blobs. It includes subdirectories for different object types, such as 26/, 30/, 35/, 54/, 62/, and 90/.
.git/packed-refs - This file stores the packed refs, which are compressed and deduplicated references to Git objects.
.git/refs/ - This directory contains the symbolic references to the Git objects, such as commits and branches.
.git/refs/heads/ - This directory contains the symbolic references to the local branches. The main file represents the current branch.
.git/refs/remotes/ - This directory contains the symbolic references to the remote repositories. The origin directory contains the references to the branches in the origin remote.
.git/refs/tags/ - This directory contains the tag references for the Git repository.
.git/shallow - This file indicates whether the Git repository is a shallow clone, which means that it only contains the history up to a certain point.
helix.yaml - This file contains the configuration settings for the Helix application. - This file contains the documentation for the Git repository or the Helix application.
scripts/ - This directory contains scripts that are used by the Git repository or the Helix application.
scripts/hello.gpt - This is a GitHub Pages theme file for generating a custom 404 error page.