Helix Integration - helixml/dagger

The Helix integration in the project https://github.com/helixml/dagger/ leverages Helix for automation and DevOps tasks, particularly for deploying and managing Kubernetes applications. The integration is written in Go and uses the Helix library to interact with Helix managers and followers.

The Helix credentials are used to authenticate with the Helix manager and are provided through the helix.NewCredentials function. The command used for initialization is dagger init, which sets up a new Dagger project.

Here are the possible options for the Helix integration and examples for each option:

  1. Configuring the Helix manager:

The Helix manager can be configured using the helix.NewManager function. Here’s an example:

manager, err := helix.NewManager("my-cluster",
  1. Configuring the Helix participant:

The Helix participant can be configured using the helix.NewParticipant function. Here’s an example:

participant, err := helix.NewParticipant("my-participant",
  1. Joining a Helix cluster:

A Helix participant can join a Helix cluster using the participant.Join() function. Here’s an example:

err := participant.Join()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to join cluster: %v", err)
  1. Registering a resource with Helix:

A resource can be registered with Helix using the participant.RegisterResource function. Here’s an example:

err := participant.RegisterResource(
Type:    helix.Revocable,
NumPartitions: 3,
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to register resource: %v", err)
  1. Getting the state of a Helix resource:

The state of a Helix resource can be obtained using the participant.GetResourceState function. Here’s an example:

state, err := participant.GetResourceState("my-resource")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to get resource state: %v", err)

The above examples are based on the Helix documentation and the code in the https://github.com/helixml/dagger/ project.
