Code Style and Maintainability

This outline describes the code style conventions and design principles employed in the chat-widget repository. It aims to ensure code clarity, consistency, and ease of maintenance.

Code Style Conventions

  • JavaScript: The codebase primarily uses JavaScript (src/index.js). The code adheres to the following style guidelines:
    • Indentation: 2 spaces for indentation.
    • Line Length: Limit lines to a maximum of 100 characters.
    • Semicolons: Use semicolons at the end of statements.
    • Naming Conventions:
      • Variables and functions should be written in camelCase.
      • Class names should be written in PascalCase.
      • Constants should be written in UPPER_CASE.
    • Comments: Use clear and concise comments to explain complex logic or non-obvious code.
    • Code Formatting: The codebase uses Prettier ( to enforce consistent formatting.


The codebase uses ESLint ( to enforce code style and catch potential errors. The .eslintrc.js file configures the rules. .eslintrc.js

Project Structure

The codebase is organized as follows:

  • src: Contains the main source code for the chat widget.
    • index.js: The entry point for the chat widget. src/index.js
    • components: Contains reusable UI components.
    • utils: Contains helper functions.
    • styles: Contains CSS files.
  • test: Contains unit tests for the codebase.
  • dist: Contains the production build of the chat widget.
  • webpack.config.js: Configures Webpack for building the chat widget. webpack.config.js


The codebase uses JSDoc ( for documentation. Comments with JSDoc syntax are included to describe functions, classes, and modules.


  • Modular Design: The codebase is designed in a modular fashion, breaking down functionality into smaller, reusable components.
  • Testing: Unit tests are included to ensure the code works as expected.
  • Version Control: The codebase is managed using Git ( and hosted on GitHub (