The management of secrets is a crucial aspect when deploying applications in a production environment. The helixml/base-images project emphasizes security and best practices for handling sensitive information. Below is a detailed breakdown of how secrets are stored and managed within this project.

Environment Variables

Secrets like API keys, database passwords, and other sensitive information are typically managed using environment variables. This approach keeps secrets out of the source code and allows for different configurations in various environments (development, testing, production).

Example of Setting Environment Variables

In a UNIX-like shell, environment variables can be set using the export command. For example:

export DATABASE_URL="postgres://user:password@hostname:port/dbname"
export API_KEY="your_api_key_here"

To verify that these variables are set, you can use the env command:

env | grep DATABASE_URL

Accessing Environment Variables in Python

Within the Python application, environment variables can be accessed using the os module. Here’s how to read the secrets stored in environment variables.

import os

API_KEY = os.getenv('API_KEY')

if not DATABASE_URL or not API_KEY:
    raise ValueError("Environment variables for secrets not set.")

This method ensures that sensitive data is not hard-coded in the application, requiring the developer to set necessary environment values before running the application.

Using a Secrets Manager

For more advanced usage, especially in cases where many secrets need to be managed, integrating a secrets management tool is recommended. Tools like AWS Secrets Manager or HashiCorp Vault can be utilized.

Example with AWS Secrets Manager

  1. Store Secrets in AWS Secrets Manager

    Secrets are stored in a managed services cart, allowing the application to programmatically fetch secrets.

  2. Install Boto3

    You need to have the boto3 library installed to interact with AWS services:

    pip install boto3
  3. Retrieve Secrets in Python

    A code snippet to retrieve secrets from AWS Secrets Manager might look like:

    import boto3
    import json
    def get_secret(secret_name):
        session = boto3.session.Session()
        client = session.client(service_name='secretsmanager', region_name='your-region')
            get_secret_value_response = client.get_secret_value(SecretId=secret_name)
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error retrieving secret: {e}")
            return None
        return json.loads(get_secret_value_response['SecretString'])
    secret = get_secret("my_secret_name")
    DATABASE_URL = secret.get('DATABASE_URL')
    API_KEY = secret.get('API_KEY')

Using a secrets manager reduces the risk related to secrets exposure and allows for centralized control over secret lifecycles.

Best Practices

  1. Limit Scope of Secrets: Apply the principle of least privilege wherever possible. Only allow access to secrets that are necessary for the specific service or application.

  2. Rotate Secrets Regularly: Automatically rotate secrets at regular intervals to enhance security.

  3. Audit Access to Secrets: Implement logging and monitoring for every access to secrets to detect unauthorized access attempts.

  4. Use .env Files for Local Development: For local development, it is common to use a .env file with a library like python-dotenv to load the environment variables:

    pip install python-dotenv

    Then, you can load the environment variables at the start of your application as follows:

    from dotenv import load_dotenv
    # Now you can access the environment variables as before

By following these protocols and utilizing tools designed specifically for secret management, helixml/base-images ensures that sensitive information is handled with the utmost care, enhancing the security posture of any deployed applications.


  • Code examples and methodology are derived from the practices observed in implementing secrets management with helixml/base-images.