Navigate the Codebase using the tree view. Use the filters to highlight where various files are grouped to aid understanding.
Getting Started Commands
Project Structure
Below is a short description of the key directories of the project to aid you when understanding where key files are located.
.github/ - This directory contains GitHub-specific configuration files and workflows for the project.
.github/workflows/ - This directory contains GitHub Actions workflow files, which define automated workflows for the project.
.github/workflows/publish.yaml - This file defines a GitHub Actions workflow for publishing the project to a registry or repository.
.gitignore - This file specifies which files and directories should be ignored by Git when versioning the project.
LICENSE - This file contains the license agreement for the project.
package-lock.json - This file is generated by npm and stores the exact dependencies and their versions for the project.
package.json - This file contains metadata and configuration for the project, including dependencies and scripts. - This file contains documentation and instructions for using the project.
src/ - This directory contains the main source code for the application.
src/index.ts - This is the entry point file for the TypeScript code in the project.
tsconfig.json - This file contains TypeScript compilation options for the project.
tsconfig.node.json - This file contains TypeScript compilation options specifically for Node.js projects.
vite.config.ts - This file contains configuration options for Vite, a build tool for modern web projects.
Below are files we identified as entrypoints for to the codebase. This is where the application starts and a good place to start when learning.
dist/index.js - Path: /dist/index.js
index.ts - Path: /src/index.ts