React Integration for apps-client

Goal: Provide developers with a guide on integrating the apps-client library with React applications.


  • Component Structure:
    • AppClient Component: A React component providing the core integration point for interacting with the apps-client library.
      • Props:
        • appId (String): Unique identifier for the application.
        • options (Object): Configuration options for the client library.
        • onInitialized (Function): Callback function triggered when the client library initializes successfully.
      • Methods:
        • initialize(): Starts the client library initialization process.
        • isAuthenticated(): Checks if the user is currently authenticated.
        • logout(): Logs the user out of the application.
        • Event Handlers:
          • onLogin: Callback function triggered when a user successfully logs in.
          • onLogout: Callback function triggered when a user logs out.
          • onError: Callback function triggered when an error occurs during client initialization.
      • Example:
      import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
                import { AppClient } from 'apps-client';
                function MyComponent() {
                  const [isAuthenticated, setIsAuthenticated] = useState(false);
                  const [client, setClient] = useState(null);
                  useEffect(() => {
                    const newClient = new AppClient({
                      appId: 'your-app-id',
                      options: {
                        // Configuration options for the client library
                      onInitialized: () => {
                  }, []);
                  return (
                      {isAuthenticated && (
                        <button onClick={() => client.logout()}>Logout</button>
                      {!isAuthenticated && (
                        <button onClick={() => client.login()}>Login</button>
  • Hooks:
    • useCallback Hook: This hook is used to create memoized callbacks that can be passed as event handlers.
      • Example:
      import React, { useCallback } from 'react';
                import { AppClient } from 'apps-client';
                function MyComponent() {
                  const client = new AppClient({
                    appId: 'your-app-id',
                    options: {
                      // Configuration options for the client library
                  const handleLogin = useCallback(() => {
                  }, []);
                  return (
                    <button onClick={handleLogin}>Login</button>
  • Event Handling:
    • onLogin and onLogout Events: The AppClient component emits onLogin and onLogout events when these actions are triggered. These events can be used to update the application state and provide feedback to the user.
      • Example:
      import React, { useState } from 'react';
                import { AppClient } from 'apps-client';
                function MyComponent() {
                  const [isLoggedIn, setIsLoggedIn] = useState(false);
                  const client = new AppClient({
                    appId: 'your-app-id',
                    options: {
                      // Configuration options for the client library
                    onLogin: () => {
                    onLogout: () => {
                  return (
                      {isLoggedIn && <p>You are logged in!</p>}
                      {!isLoggedIn && <p>You are not logged in.</p>}
  • User Interaction Patterns:
    • Authentication: The apps-client library provides mechanisms for user authentication. Developers can use these mechanisms to manage user login, logout, and session management within their React application.
    • API Integration: The library enables access to application-specific APIs and data. React components can interact with these APIs to retrieve, manipulate, and display data.
    • Error Handling: The library provides error handling mechanisms to manage and display errors gracefully. Developers should handle errors accordingly to provide a consistent user experience.