Documentation (

This README provides an overview of the aispec project, including its purpose, key features, and how to use it.


The aispec project aims to simplify the process of generating and working with OpenAPI specifications. It provides a command-line tool and a Python library for creating and manipulating OpenAPI 3.0 specifications.

Key Features:

  • Schema generation: aispec can generate OpenAPI schemas from Python code.
  • Specification generation: aispec can generate complete OpenAPI specifications from Python code or existing schemas.
  • Validation: aispec can validate OpenAPI specifications against the OpenAPI 3.0 specification.
  • Conversion: aispec can convert OpenAPI specifications between different formats, such as YAML and JSON.


The aispec project can be used in several ways:

  • Command-line tool: The aispec command-line tool provides a simple interface for generating and validating OpenAPI specifications.
  • Python library: The aispec library can be used in Python scripts to programmatically generate and manipulate OpenAPI specifications.


pip install aispec

Basic Usage (Command-Line Tool):

# Generate an OpenAPI specification from a Python class
          aispec generate -o myapi.yaml MyApiClass
          # Validate an OpenAPI specification
          aispec validate myapi.yaml
          # Convert an OpenAPI specification from YAML to JSON
          aispec convert -f yaml -t json myapi.yaml myapi.json

Basic Usage (Python Library):

from aispec import generate, validate
          # Generate an OpenAPI specification from a Python class
          openapi_spec = generate(MyApiClass)
          # Validate an OpenAPI specification



Contributions to the aispec project are welcome! Please refer to the Contribution Guidelines for more information.