
Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment - fluxcd/flux2

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) are critical practices in modern software development, enabling frequent and reliable software updates. This explanation will cover the key technologies and dependencies, videos, and online documentation related to the project “Flux v2”, a tool for managing CI/CD on Kubernetes.

Key Technologies and Dependencies

  • Kubernetes API Extension System: Flux uses the Kubernetes API Extension System to integrate with core components of the Kubernetes ecosystem.
  • Git: Flux relies on Git for source code and configuration management.
  • Helm: Flux supports Helm charts for packaging, configuring, and deploying applications.
  • Prometheus: Flux integrates with Prometheus for monitoring and alerting.
  • GitOps: Flux follows the GitOps principles of using Git as the source of truth for managing infrastructure and applications.
  • Kustomize: Flux supports Kustomize for customizing Kubernetes objects.
  • Alpine Linux: Flux is built using Alpine Linux, a security-oriented, lightweight Linux distribution.
  • Go: Flux is written in Go, a statically typed, compiled language known for its simplicity and efficiency.
  • Docker: Flux uses Docker for containerization.
  • YAML: Flux uses YAML for configuration files.


  1. App Delivery in Cloud Native: Where are We? What’s Next? by Lei Zhang, Alibaba & Alois Reitbauer (CNCF)
  2. Flux is Incubating + The Road Ahead by the Flux community
  3. AWS re:Invent 2022 - Run and manage Amazon EKS clusters on premises (CON401) by AWS

These videos cover various aspects of CI/CD, cloud-native application delivery, and using Flux for managing Kubernetes clusters.

Online Documentation

  1. Flux Concepts
  2. [Flux Blog - February Update](