
Project Structure

action/ - This directory contains the action files for Flux. It includes various action files like action.yml, which defines the Flux action, and files for creating, deleting, and managing different resources.
cmd/ - This directory contains the command-line interface (CLI) for Flux. It includes various subdirectories and files for different commands, such as flux/, which contains the main Flux command, and various test data files.
docs/ - This directory contains documentation for Flux. It includes the release/ subdirectory, which contains release notes and templates, and the install/ subdirectory, which contains instructions for installing Flux.
internal/ - This directory contains internal packages used by Flux. It includes various subdirectories for different packages, such as build/ for building the Flux binary, flags/ for command-line flags, and tree/ for tree manipulation.
manifests/ - This directory contains Kubernetes manifests used by Flux. It includes various subdirectories for different types of manifests, such as bases/ for base manifests, crds/ for Custom Resource Definitions, and policies/ for policy manifests.
pkg/ - This directory contains the Go packages for Flux. It includes various subdirectories for different packages, such as bootstrap/ for bootstrapping, log/ for logging, manifestgen/ for manifest generation, and printers/ for printing manifests.
rfcs/ - This directory contains RFCs (Request for Comments) for proposed changes to Flux. It includes various subdirectories and files for different RFCs, such as 0001-authorization/ for authorization RFCs and for general information about the RFC process.
tests/ - This directory contains tests for Flux. It includes various subdirectories for different types of tests, such as bootstrap/ for bootstrap tests, image-automation/ for image automation tests, and integration/ for integration tests.
go.mod and go.sum - These files are used by Go to manage dependencies for the Flux project.
Dockerfile - This file contains instructions for building a Docker image for Flux.
LICENSE - This file contains the license for the Flux project.
Makefile - This file contains instructions for building and installing Flux using Make. - This file contains general information about the Flux project, including installation instructions and an overview of its features. - This file contains the code of conduct for the Flux project. - This file contains instructions for contributing to the Flux project.
DCO - This file contains the Developer Certificate of Origin for the Flux project.


cmd/flux/main.go - This file is the main entrypoint for the Flux CLI (Command Line Interface) tool. It initializes the application, parses command-line flags, and starts the main workflow. It also includes functions for configuring the default namespace, reading passwords from standard input, and displaying preview notes.
tests/image-automation/main.go - This file is the main entrypoint for the image automation tests in the Flux project. It runs the tests and reports the results.
tests/bootstrap/main.go - This file is the main entrypoint for the bootstrap tests in the Flux project. It runs the tests and reports the results.

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