
Testing Strategies for Flux2 (


Flux2, an open-source GitOps toolkit built by FluxCD, employs various testing strategies to ensure the reliability and robustness of its components. In this documentation, we will cover the possible options and provide examples for each testing type used in Flux2.

Unit Testing

Unit tests are designed to test individual components or functions in isolation. Flux2 uses Go’s built-in testing framework for unit testing. These tests are essential for verifying the correctness of individual components and their interactions.

// Example of a unit test in Flux2
      func TestSyncK8sVersion(t *testing.T) {
      // Test code here

Learn more about Go testing

Integration Testing

Integration tests focus on testing the interactions between multiple components or systems. Flux2 uses a combination of Go’s testing framework and Kubernetes for integration testing. These tests help ensure that the different parts of the system work together correctly.

// Example of an integration test in Flux2
      func TestSyncK8sCluster(t *testing.T) {
      // Test code here

Learn more about Kubernetes testing

End-to-End Testing

End-to-end (E2E) tests simulate the entire user journey, from user input to system output. Flux2 uses tools like Ginkgo and Gomega for E2E testing. These tests help ensure that the system functions as intended from the user’s perspective.

// Example of an E2E test in Flux2
      Describe("Flux2 E2E tests", func() {
      // Test code here

Learn more about Ginkgo and Gomega

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery

Flux2 utilizes continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) pipelines to automate testing and deployment processes. This ensures that any changes to the codebase are thoroughly tested before being released to production.

Learn more about Flux2’s CI/CD pipelines

Test Coverage

Flux2 uses Go Cover to measure test coverage. This tool helps ensure that all parts of the codebase are adequately tested.

Learn more about Go Cover

This documentation provides an overview of the testing strategies used in Flux2, including unit testing, integration testing, and end-to-end testing. It also covers the importance of these testing strategies and provides examples for each type. The sources for this information include Flux2's official documentation, Go's built-in testing framework, and the official documentation for Kubernetes, Ginkgo, Gomega, and Go Cover.
