
Building, Installing, and Setting up Flux

This document outlines the steps required to build, install, and set up Flux.

Development Environment

To build and run Flux from source, you’ll need a Go development environment.

  1. Install Go:
  • Download and install the latest Go version from the official website:
  1. Set up Environment Variables:
  • Set the GOPATH environment variable to the desired location for your Go workspace.
  • Add the bin directory within your GOPATH to your system’s PATH.

Building Flux

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
      cd flux2
  1. Install dependencies:
make install-envtest
  1. Build the project:
make build

This will create a binary file in the _output/bin directory.

Installing Flux

To install Flux on your system, you can use the provided binary file or install it via Homebrew.

  1. Install from binary:
  • Copy the binary file from the _output/bin directory to a location in your system’s PATH.
  1. Install via Homebrew:
  • Add the Flux tap to your Homebrew configuration:
brew tap fluxcd/tap
  • Install Flux using Homebrew:
brew install flux

Setting Up Flux

  1. Initialize Flux:
  • Run the following command to initialize Flux:
flux --target-namespace=flux-system init
  1. Configure Flux:
  • Create a Kubernetes secret containing your Git provider credentials:
apiVersion: v1
      kind: Secret
      name: flux-system-git-credentials
      type: Opaque
      username: <your-username>
      password: <your-password>
  • Apply the secret to your cluster:
kubectl apply -f secret.yaml
  • Configure Flux using the flux command:
        flux --target-namespace=flux-system bootstrap \
                --git-url= \
                --git-branch=main \
                --git-sync-interval=1m \
                --git-secret-name=flux-system-git-credentials \

Running Flux

Once Flux is set up, it will automatically monitor your Git repository and deploy changes to your cluster.

Running Tests

  1. Run unit tests:
make test
  1. Run end-to-end tests:
make e2e

Building for Development

  1. Build for development:
make build-dev

This will build a development version of Flux with debugging symbols.

Installing for Development

  1. Install for development:
make install-dev

This will install the development version of Flux in your system’s PATH.

Using Docker

  1. Build a Docker image:
docker build -t fluxcd/flux:latest .
  1. Run the Docker image:
docker run -it fluxcd/flux:latest

Cleaning Up

  1. Remove build artifacts:
make tidy

Example Usage

  1. Deploy a Kubernetes manifest:
    flux --target-namespace=flux-system deploy \
  1. Create a new Helm release:
    flux --target-namespace=flux-system helm-release create \
            --name=my-release \
            --namespace=my-namespace \
            --chart=path/to/your/chart \
  1. Update an existing Helm release:
    flux --target-namespace=flux-system helm-release update \
            --name=my-release \
            --namespace=my-namespace \
            --chart=path/to/your/chart \

Additional Resources

Top-Level Directory Explanations

manifests/ - This directory contains Kubernetes manifests used by Flux. It includes various subdirectories for different types of manifests, such as bases/ for base manifests, crds/ for Custom Resource Definitions, and policies/ for policy manifests.

pkg/ - This directory contains the Go packages for Flux. It includes various subdirectories for different packages, such as bootstrap/ for bootstrapping, log/ for logging, manifestgen/ for manifest generation, and printers/ for printing manifests.
